Research Videos: Vermont Towns

Vermont towns are often caches of character and charm.

Huntington: Beaudry's Country Store


Students at the University of Vermont conducted small case studies on rural towns in Vermont. This video is a feature on Beaudry's Country Store in Huntington, Vermont.

Fairfax: Foothills Bakery and Historical Society


Students at the University of Vermont conducted small case studies on rural towns in Vermont. This video features the Foothills Bakery and the Historical Society in Fairfax, Vermont. 

Grand Isle: Scott Johnstone


Students at the University of Vermont studied local rural communities. This video features a resident of Grand Isle, Vermont, Scott Johnstone. 

Underhill Harvest Market


This video features the Harvest Market in Underhill, Vermont. 

Jericho: Ed Stygels


Students at the University of Vermont conducted small case studies on rural communities in Vermont. This video features local resident Ed Stygels of Jericho, Vermont, who has lived in the town for 60 years.