Geography 196 Landscape image

Internship opportunities get students into the field, developing new skills and learning how to connect academics to potential careers.  The Department of Geography offers the opportunity to undertake internships off-campus in a variety of fields to prepare students for exciting career opportunities in social services, resource conservation, mapping and more.

To undertake an internship, students, often in consultation with a faculty mentor*, identify a sponsoring organization and supervisor within that organization.  The student, supervisor, and faculty mentor agree to a program of work and complete the department’s internship agreement form (Word).  Students are expected to complete 40 hours of work over the semester for each academic credit earned (typical 3-credit internships are 120 hours over the 15 week semester or summer period).  Internships completed during the academic year can earn credit as Geog 191: Internship. The College of Arts & Sciences also offers the option to complete summer internships and earn credit as AS 190B.  Considering one of these internship options? Speak to your advisor and check out the excellent internship resources for all students in the College of Arts & Sciences.

Previous Geography students have interned at Northern Cartographic, Population Media Center, US Senate offices, Burlington Housing Authority, Vermont Public Radio, The Nature Conservancy, the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, and National Weather Service, to name a few.

  • Protecting Endangered Birds

    Josh Childs in the field

    Josh Childs ’20, a geography and computer science major with a minor in music, is exploring the connections between the Piping Plover, an endangered shorebird, and climate change through his summer internship with a SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry research team. “My supervisor is one of the few researchers permitted to track piping plovers using leg bands and GPS and radio transmitters to gain a better understanding of the movement, foraging and reproduction patterns, and overall success of this bird in South Jersey. I assist with all aspects of data collection and have visited all our field sites, which are a mix of protected and public beaches/wetlands.” Childs hopes to use his twin majors to communicate the effect of climate change using a combination of computerized modeling and hard data. “I’ve learned a great deal not only about the ecology of Piping Plovers, but about the sacrifice, dedication, and passion it takes to manage and conserve a species that is struggling from anthropogenic infringements.”

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Glass Internship Program

This merit-based scholarship offers geography majors the opportunity to subsidize an unpaid internship experience. These scholarships are awarded each spring semester to students who have identified a sponsoring organization supervisor and faculty mentor. To apply, please visit the Career Center Internship Scholarship webpage to begin the application process. Additional eligibility details for Geography funding (PDF) are available under “Award Details.” In addition, the student should request that a letter of support from one Geography faculty member, who will serve as their faculty mentor for the internship, be submitted to after the initial application.

*Funding for internships in AY20-21 also provided by a generous donation by Will Kies through the Oaklawn Foundation