Assistant Professor, Rubenstein Sch Env & Nat Res, Geography and Geosciences

My research aims at determining the mechanisms of mineral transformation in low temperature environments. To achieve this goal I apply a variety of state-of-the-art tools spanning from the atomic scale to the field scale combined with aqueous geochemistry. Using a combination of nanoscale (HRTEM, XAS), microscale (SEM, XRD) and macroscale (XRF, GIS) probing techniques, I design experiments to solve field-based environmental issues. My current research investigates this aspect in three principal projects: i) behavior and remediation of Pb in soils, ii) nanoscale to macroscale weathering mechanisms in soils and iii) paleoclimate reconstruction using micromineralogy.

I am also a collaborator on various projects that aim to investigate geochemical responses to environmental disturbances.

I teach Environmental Geology (GEOL055), Earth System Science (GEOL001), Geocomputing (GEOL185), Extraterrestrial Life (AS96/GEOL096/PHYS096/HUMN096), Planetology (first-year seminar)


For more information, please see Nico's faculty profile at Geography & Geosciences

Nico smiling on a beautiful day on the UVM green

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Research: Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Contaminant Transport, Environmental Geology, Nanoparticles, Mineral-Bacteria Interactions, Archaeogeology


Office Location:

Delahanty Hall, Room 319

  1. Nico's website