The University of Vermont Morgan Horse Farm is a unique, timeless place. Our mission is to preserve and promote the Morgan breed, and to provide hands-on educational experiences to students and the public. In 2025 our tourist season runs May 3rd through October 27. We can't wait for you to meet the UVM Morgans!

Ranked #1 of the top 15 best things to do in Middlebury on Trip Advisor. 

Our guided tour is consistently a top experience for guests visiting Vermont.

child pets horse on nose
MHF tour guides are knowledgeable and take pride in sharing the story of this important and unique American equine institution.

Admissions rates for 2025

  • Adults: $10.00
  • Youth 5-17yrs: $7.00
  • Kids 0-4yrs FREE
  • UVM ID holders, Seniors, and Addison County Residents: $8.50

Admission fees to grounds are paid upon arrival in the gift shop, located in the lobby of the main barn. 

Visiting the UVM Morgan Horse Farm

The farm is located in the small village of Weybridge, just a few miles from downtown Middlebury, VT. The main campus of the University of Vermont is located about an hour north, in Burlington.

74 Battell Drive
Weybridge, VT 05753
(ph) 802-388-2011
(f) 802-388-0844

Driving Directions:

The farm is flanked on two sides by small bridges with weight/size restrictions, so visitors in large vehicles/campers/busses should avoid traveling on Seymourt St. or Campground Rd to Pearson Rd.

Our recommendation is to travel into the beautiful town of Middlebury and briefly head west on Rt. 125. Just before the Middlebury College campus, take a right onto Rt. 23 towards Weybridge. After about a mile and a half, take a right onto Pulp Mill Bridge Rd, and then continue straight onto Morgan Horse Farm Rd. The farm is about two miles out on the right, can't miss it!

Questions about traveling? Please call 802-388-2011 and we would be happy to help you. 

Not able to visit the farm in person? Merchandise can be purchased anytime via our online gift store for apparel and gifts.