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Jens Hilke

Jens was the second staff person for the Landscape Change Program. He oversaw a major expansion of the collection from hundreds to thaousands of images as well as the conversion from hand-built web pages to a database driven format. In addition, Jens created extensive K-12 curricular materials and extended the outreach mission of the project.

Additional Degrees

University of Vermont, M.S., 2003

Email Address


Current Position and Contact Information (5/2008)

Conservation Planning Biologist
Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife
5 Perry St. Suite 40
Barre, VT 05641
Phone: (802) 476- 0126

Junior-Authored, Refereed Publications Based on UVM Research

Bierman, P.R., Howe, J., Stanley-Mann, E., Peabody, M., Hilke, J., and Massey, C.A., 2005, Old images record landscape change through time: GSA Today, v. 15, p. 4-10. (download pdf)

Other Meeting Abstracts Based on UVM Research

Bierman, P., Howe, J., Peabody, M., Stanley-Mann, E., Hilke, J., and Massey, C.A., 2004, A web-based time machine -- picturing two centuries of landscape change, The Geological Society of America - Denver Annual Meeting: Denver. (download pdf)

Stanley Mann, E., Hilke, J., Bierman, P., and Worley, I.A., 2004, Repeat photography documents landscape change 75 years after an horrendous flood, The Geological Society of America Denver Annual Meeting: Denver. (download pdf)

Massey, C., Hilke, J., and Bierman, P.R., 2003, Landscape metamorphism in Vermont: Building an image archive of the past and present with students, historical societies, and towns: Geological Society of America -Abstracts with Programs. (download pdf)