View Summer 2024 Courses

Civil & Environmental Engr: Statics

CEE 1100 OL1 (CRN: 61091)

3 Credit Hours

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About CEE 1100 OL1

Fundamentals of statics; composition and resolution of forces; the analysis of force systems in two and three dimensions; and centroids and moments of inertia. Credit not awarded for both CEE 1100 and CEE 1150. Prerequisites: MATH 1248 or MATH 1242; PHYS 1500.


Priyantha Wijesinghe


Pre-reqs: MATH 1248 or MATH 1242; PHYS 1500; Asynchronous online

More Information

Section Description

The basic principles and application of rigid-body mechanics to the statics of particles are studied in this course. Two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) forces acting on rigid bodies, moments, vector operations, equilibrium of a particle and equilibrium of a rigid body in 2D and 3D and free body diagrams are studied. Structural analysis including simple trusses, frames, cables and introduction to shear and bending-moment diagrams are included. Frictional forces, wedges, screws, and the concept of center of gravity and centroid, moment of inertia and radius of gyration are also studied. It is expected that the students will develop critical thinking skills to successfully formulate solutions for the statics problems. Upon completion of CEE 1100 Statics, students will be able to: 1. Define Statics as a fundamental field of rigid body mechanics concerning particles and bodies in static equilibrium. 2. Identify forces and support reactions acting on particles and rigid bodies in 2-D and 3-D systems and draw accurate free body diagrams. 3. Apply Newton's Laws of Motion to solve for unknown forces and support reactions on particles and rigid bodies in 2-D and 3-D systems, i.e., trusses, frames and machines. 4. Determine the centroid, center of mass, center of gravity and area moment of inertia in complex shapes using composite shapes and integration. ABET outcome: #1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics

Section Expectation

COURSE SCHEDULE: See Course Schedule link in Brightspace Course Materials Release Day: Monday Each weekly module of this course begins on a Monday (8 AM) and ends on a Sunday (12 AM or midnight). The homework assignment for that week is due on Sunday night. This is our "online week". All the quizzes are due on Thursday (12 AM or midnight) so that I can post the solutions before the homework is due. On Monday mornings, the online materials for that particular week will be available. TEXTBOOK: • Engineering Mechanics: Statics with Connect by Michael E. Plesha, Gary L. Gray and Francesco Costanzo, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2023. COURSE OUTLINE 1. Introduction 2. Vectors: Force Vectors and Position Vectors 3. Equilibrium of Particles 4. Moment of a Force and Equivalent Force Systems 5. Equilibrium of Bodies 6. Structural Analysis and Machines 7. Centroid and Distributed Force Systems 8. Internal Forces 9. Friction 10. Moment of Inertia REQUIRED SOFTWARE: Brightspace for Course Materials and Reading Quizzes: Make sure you are using a supported browser to access Brightspace. To check your browser and for more help on using Brightspace, please follow this link. This course uses resources in different formats. Please make sure that you can open a PDF document and watch a YouTube video. Adobe Acrobat Reader is needed to view PDF documents. If you do not have adobe reader on your computer you can download it for free from the Adobe website at McGraw-Hill Connect for Homework Assignments and Quizzes: Additionally, you will use Mc-Graw-Hill Connect to complete and submit the homework assignments and the quizzes for this course. Connect is an online assessment tool from Mc-Graw-Hill to accompany Plesha's Engineering Mechanics: Statics. You will need the access code, which is shrink-wrapped with the book (if you chose to purchase a hard copy of the textbook). Please make sure you purchase Connect as this will be a required and graded component of the course. More details of Connect and purchasing options are posted on Brightspace under "Syllabus" tab. Respondus LockDown Browser + Webcam Requirement for Exams: This course requires the use of Respondus LockDown Browser and a webcam to monitor the online exams. The LockDown browser will prevent you from accessing other websites or applications during an exam. The webcam can be the type that’s built into your computer or one that plugs in with a USB cable. Carefully follow the steps in this article. These will guide you through the process of: • Installing Respondus LockDown Browser • Testing your computer/webcam/network • Getting help with Respondus LockDown and Monitor • Ensuring a successful exam experience MS Teams for Office Hours: Weekly office hours will be held via MS Teams. Please follow this link for instructions to download MS Teams. You have been already added to “CEE1100 Statics_SU24 Office Hours” MS Team. ONLINE LEARNING AND COMMUNICATION: Unlike face-to-face teaching in a classroom, you will not have the opportunity to raise your hand and ask questions about the lecture. Therefore, I highly recommend taking notes, while watching the lectures. The PDFs of the lecture notes are provided to you and please print them before watching the lectures. If you have any questions, you can (I) ask in the discussion forum in Yellowdig, (II) e-mail me, or (III) discuss during office hours via MS Teams. Yellowdig Discussion: We will use a discussion tool called Yellowdig frequently in this course. The discussion Forum is an effective resource for dialogue and by participating in discussions, you will broaden your understanding of the course content and help to create a stronger online learning community. By posting materials and questions to the discussion Forum, the entire class can benefit by the information being exchanged. If one person asks a question, most likely others will have the same question. To really get the full experience of how powerful the discussion forums can be, after (or before) posting your initial comments, it is expected that you respond to at least two of your classmates discussion posts. When replying, choose a post from a classmate that offers a different interpretation or viewpoint than yours. In responding to others, I encourage you to ask a question, build on their observation, or extend an idea. You are encouraged to attach any images, i.e. Free Body Diagrams (FBDs), videos or sketches to explain your ideas. Here is how it will work. You need to earn a total of 5000 points for discussion for the course. Each week we encourage you to earn a max of 1000 points. The collection of points begins on Thursday 11 PM and runs until 11 PM the following Thursday (then resets every week). You need to earn 1000 points by posting, commenting, and interacting with your classmates each week in Yellowdig. You can mix and match how you receive your max of 1000 points/week. Your earned assignment points in Yellowdig will automatically be transferred into Blackboard. Each action is worth certain points as follows: • A new post of at least 40 words earns 250 points • A comment of at least 40 words on an existing post earns 200 points • If your post generates comments, you receive 60 points for each of them • Receiving a reaction from another user, you receive 50 points for each of them Announcements: The first page that you see when you log into this course website is the announcements (home) page. It is important to read the announcements each time you log in for any updates, reminders or other general announcements. Each time I post an announcement, you will also receive it in an e-mail. Netiquette Netiquette stands for Network Etiquette. It refers to proper behavior while interacting online. The golden rule of netiquette is essentially to treat people as you would want to be treated. Please be polite and considerate. Think about whether your comment could cause hurt feelings. Be careful about how your words can come across because misunderstandings can be common online. EXAM AND HOMEWORK POLICIES: Note: This course requires remote proctored exams through Respondus Monitor. You can pick any day of the week to take your midterm exams. Midterm exams will be prepared for one and a half hours and the final exam is for two and a half hours.


GRADING: Assigned Reading from the Textbook 3% (textbook chapters will be assigned weekly via Connect) Participation and Attendance 7% (online discussions via Yellowdig) Quizzes 10% (several quizzes will be assigned weekly via Connect and Brightspace) Homework 15% (one HW will be assigned each week) Midterm Exams 40% (two exams, each counts 20%, proctored through Respondus Monitor) Final Exam 25% (proctored through Respondus Monitor) ----------------------------- Total 100% The minimum passing grade is 62%. Other grades will be assigned as shown below. Letter Grade Numerical Grade A+ >95 A 92-95 A- 89-92 B+ 86-89 B 83-86 B- 80-83 C+ 77-80 C 74-77 C- 71-74 D+ 68-71 D 65-68 D- 62-65 F <62 A statistical scale may be used at the instructor's judgment in addition to the above scale.

Class Times



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Important Dates

Note: These dates may change before registration begins.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw


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