UVM Program Board (UPB) is a student-led group charged with bringing exciting, dynamic, and diverse campus events and activities to YOU - the UVM student.
Our goal is to provide entertainment that meets the diverse needs of our campus and we've created, hosted, and sponsored a number of awesome events over the years, including: comedian Brittany Broski, SpringFest featuring Peach Pit, Battle of the Bands, Weekly Pub Quiz, and so much more!
Signature events
Art Attack
Every Week in the LivingWell Studio
Come to the LivingWell Studio in the Davis Center to destress and express your creativity with the UVM Program Board’s Art Attack event! Different types of art crafts and supplies will be provided every week encouraging students to create something new each time they attend this event!
(The Living Well Studio is located in the UVM Davis Center on the first floor.)
Candy Shoppe
Celebrate the end of Fright Week with the sweetest and spookiest event of the year. Enjoy a full Davis Center takeover with zombies, games, food, movies, crafts, and LOTS of candy!
Comedy Shows
From the annual Labor Day Comedy Show (featuring folks like Brittany Broski, John Mulaney, Mekki Leeper, August White, Kristen Schaal, and so many more) UPB provides plenty of opportunities to laugh (or prove that you can make other people laugh).
Pub Quiz
Put your trivia knowledge to the test!
Wednesdays from 9-11PM in Brennan's
Join other Catamounts from around campus at Brennan’s Pub for an evening of trivia and prizes. Form a team, compete, and win cool swag!
This happens EVERY Wednesday throughout the semester! Return each week for trivia, prizes & food specials!
Make the Davis Center a winter wonderland!
Take a break from the cold and join UPB for a winter-themed Davis Center takeover.
... and so much more!
These are some of the big events we do every year - but there's so much more to explore! For a full rundown of our upcoming events (big and small), check out the UVM BORED calendar.
Upcoming Events
How is UPB funded?
UPB receives its funding from student fees that are collected as part of the funding for the Davis Center. The funds are designated for programming that meets the diverse needs of the UVM community.
Is UPB a club?
Nope! UVM Program Board (UPB) is a student-led programming organization at the University of Vermont, and is housed under Campus Programs in the Department of Student Life. UPB positions are paid - thus participation in UPB is considered employment.
Who's on UPB?
Folks just like you! UPB is made up of your fellow UVM students - people who are interested and passionate about movies, music, art, comedy, and having fun! All currently and actively enrolled full time undergraduate students are eligible to apply for UPB. More info about how you can get involved is available on our join our team page.
How do I join UPB?
Applications for UPB open once a year, during the first half of the Spring Semester. More information will be provided right here when applications are live!
UVM Program Board and UVM BORED are the same thing, right?
No! Easy mistake to make, but we're two different organizations! UVM Program Board (that's us!) plan, program, and create events - while our friends over at UVM BORED (like, "I'm bored!") just market all the events happening both on- and off-campus. Our events are always on BORED though...