The Vermont Water Resources and Lake Studies Center provides an ongoing bibliography of publications, including peer-reviewed journal articles and graduate theses and dissertations, and products from supported research.
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- ecoNEWS Vermont: Find stories adapted from scientific publications on ecological research conducted across Vermont. Vermont Water Center partners to support this resource.
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Vermont Water Center Project Publications
- Hurley S.E, and Allen, D. 2023. Potential drinking water impacts from road salt storage facilities in Vermont’s Lake Champlain Basin. Lake Champlain Sea Grant Institute.
- Diamond S.E, Harvey, R., Heathcote, A.J., Lini, A., and Morales-Williams, A.M. 2022. Decoupling of chemical and biological recovery from acidification in a montane lake, Vermont, USA. Journal of Paleolimnology 68:427–442.
- Hrycik, A.R., McFarland, S., Morales-Williams, A. et al. Winter severity shapes spring plankton succession in a small, eutrophic lake. Hydrobiologia 849, 2127–2144 (2022).
- Kirol, A. and A. Schroth. 2022. UVM Lake Carmi Platform Data.
- Polifrone, M.R., S.R. Wasserman, I. Biberovic, K. Jones, A. Schroth, A. Lini, and A.M. Morales-Williams. 2022. Using Diatoms to Reconstruct Eutrophication in Lake Carmi, VT (PDF). Poster presented at Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) Conference, Fall 2022.
- Schroth, A., Morales-Williams, A., Kirol, A., and Stepenuck, K. 2022. University of Vermont 2021 Lake Carmi Monitoring Report to the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (PDF). University of Vermont. 17pp.
- Wiegman, A.R.H., Myers, G.H., Augustin, I.C. et al. Potential for soil legacy phosphorus release from restored riparian wetlands within an agricultural landscape. Biogeochemistry 161, 137–156 (2022)
- Doubek J.P., Anneville O., Dur G., Lewandowska A.M., Patil V.P. ... and Stockwell J.D. 2021. The extent and variability of storm-induced temperature changes in lakes measured with long-term and high-frequency data. Limnology and Oceanography, 66, 1979–1992. VIEW PRESS RELEASE ON FRENCH FOUNDATION FOR BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH WEBSITE | VIEW FEATURE STORY ON UNIVERISTY OF VERMONT WEBSITE
- Kakouei, K., Kraemer, B.M., Anneville, O., …Stockwell, J.D. et al. 2021. Phytoplankton and cyanobacteria abundances in mid-21st centry lakes depend strongly on future land use and climate projections. Global Change Biology 27:6409–6422.
- Perillo, V.L., B.J. Cade-Menun, M. Ivancic, D.S. Ross, and B.C. Wemple. 2021. Land use and landscape position influence soil organic phosphorus speciation in a mixed land use watershed. Journal of Environmental Quality.
- Stewart TR, M Mäkinen, C Goulon, J Guillard, T Marjomäki, E Lasne, J Karjalainen, JD Stockwell. 2021. Influence of warming temperatures on coregonine embryogenesis within and among species. Hydrobiologia volume 848, pages 4363–4385 (2021)
- Stockwell J.D., Anneville O., and Patil, V.P. 2021. Global Evaluation of the Impacts of Storms on freshwater Habitat and Structure of phytoplankton Assemblages (GEISHA).
- Underwood, K.L., R.M. Diehl, J.E. Matt, and S. Drago. 2021. Integration of stream geomorphic assessment data with low-complexity hydraulic models to improve floodplain mapping. Final technical report submitted to Vermont Water Resources and Lake Studies Center. 33pp. VIEW UNDERWOOD REPORT (PDF)
- Giddings L-A., G. Chlipala, H. Driscoll, K. Bhave, K. Kunstman, S. Green, K. Morillo, H. Peterson, and M. Maienschein-Cline. 2020. Seasonal Ely Rock Copper Mine Superfund Site Shotgun Metagenomic and Metatranscriptomic Data Analysis. Data Brief. 32, 106282.
- Giddings, L-A., G. Chlipala, K. Kunstman, S. Green, K. Morillo, K. Bhave, H. Peterson, H. Driscoll, and M. Maienschein-Cline. 2020. Characterization of an acid rock drainage microbiome and transcriptome at the Ely Copper Mine Superfund site. PLoS ONE 15(8): e0237599.
- Giddings L-A., G. Chlipala, K. Kunstman, S. Green, K. Morillo, K. Bhave, et al. 2020. Characterization of an acid rock drainage microbiome and transcriptome at the Ely Copper Mine Superfund site. figshare. Collection.
- Hammond Wagner, C.R., S. Greenhalgh, M. Niles, A. Zia, W.B. Bowden. 2020. Evaluating water quality regulation as a driver of farmer behavior: a social-ecological systems approach. Ecology and Society 25(4):35.
- Millarhouse A, C. Vatovec, M. Niles, and A. Ivakhiv. 2020. What’s in your body of water? Reducing the psychological distance of pharmaceutical pollution through metaphoric framing in risk communication. Environmental Management. 65: 630–641.
- Ostrofsky, M.L., S.N. Levine, A. Lini. 2020. Spatial and temporal variation in phosphorus species in Lake Champlain (Vermont, New York, Québec). Journal of Great Lakes Research 46:1277-1291.
- Patil, V.P. et al. 2020. Global Evaluation of the Impacts of Storms on Freshwater Habitat and Structure of Phytoplankton Assemblages (GEISHA). R-package “algaeClassify” available on the CRAN repository. Contains R-code designed to facilitate the application of common morpho-functional (MFG; Salmaso et al. 2015) and life-history classifications (CSR, Reynolds 1988) to phytoplankton species lists and/or trait datasets.
- Stockwell, J.D., O. Anneville, V.P. Patil. 2020. Global Evaluation of the Impacts of Storms on Freshwater Habitat and Structure of Phytoplankton Assemblages (GEISHA).
- Stockwell, J.D., J.P. Doubek, R. Adrian, O. Anneville, C.C. Carey, L. Carvalho, L.N. De Senerpont Domis, G. Dur, M.A. Frassl, H.P. Grossart, B.W. Ibelings, M.J. Lajeunesse, A.M. Lewandowska, M.E. Llames, S.I.S. Matsuzaki, E.R. Nodine, P.Nõges, V.P. Patil, F. Pomati, K. Rinke, L.G. Rudstam, J.A. Rusak, N.Salmaso, C.T. Seltmann, D.Straile, S.J. Thackeray, W. Thiery, P. Urrutia‐Cordero, P. Venail, P. Verburg, R.I. Woolway, T. Zohary, M.R. Andersen, R. Bhattacharya, J. Hejzlar, N. Janatian, A.T.N.K. Kpodonu, T.J. Williamson, and H.L. Wilson. 2020. Storm impacts on phytoplankton community dynamics in lakes. Global Change Biology 26:2756-2784. VIEW FEATURE STORY ON UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT WEBSITE
- Giddings, L.A. 2019. Acid rock mine drainage metagenome. Raw sequence data and metadata files. Sequence Read Archive of the National Center for Biotechnology Information. BioProject identifier, PRJNA540505.
- Hammond Wagner, C.R. 2019. Governing water quality in agricultural watersheds. PhD Dissertation. Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT. 221pp.
- Hamshaw, S.D., T. Engel, D.M. Rizzo, J. O’Neil-Dunne, and M.M. Dewoolkar. 2019. Application of unmanned aircraft system (UAS) for monitoring bank erosion along river corridors. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk. 10:1285-1305.
- Lancelloti, B. 2019. Spring snowmelt: a ‘hot moment’ for denitrification in riparian areas? Poster presented by Brittany Lancellotti at the American Geophysical Union’s Fall 2019 Meeting in Francisco, CA.
- Patil, V.P., C.T. Seltmann, N. Salmaso, O. Anneville, and M.J. Lajeunesse. 2019. R Package algaeClassify.
- Perillo, V.L., D.S. Ross, B.C. Wemple, C. Bailing, and L.E. Lemieux. 2019. Stream corridor soil phosphorus availability in a forested–agricultural mixed land use watershed. Journal of Environmental Quality 48(1):185–192. VIEW FEATURE STORY ON ECONEWS VERMONT
- Euclide, Peter T. 2018. Genetic and Demographic Consequences of Lake and River Habitat Fragmentation on Fishes in Vermont. PhD Dissertation, University of Vermont.
- Euclide, P.T. and Marsden J.E. 2018. Role of drainage and barriers in the genetic structuring of a tessellated darter metapopulation. Conservation Genetics 19:1378–1392.
- Flores, N.M., T.R. Miller, and J.D. Stockwell. 2018. A global analysis of the relationship between concentrations of microcystins in water and fish. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:30.
- Hamshaw, S.D. 2018. Fluvial processes in motion: Measuring bank erosion and suspended sediment flux using advanced geomatic methods and machine learning. Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, 306pp.
- Hamshaw, S.D., M.M. Dewoolkar, A.W. Schroth, B.C. Wemple, and D.M. Rizzo. 2018. A new machine-learning approach for classifying hysteresis in suspended-sediment discharge relationships using high-frequency monitoring data. Water Resources Research 54(6):4040–4058.
- Vaughan, M.C., W.B. Bowden, J.B. Shanley, A. Vermilyea, B. Wemple, and A.W. Schroth. 2018. Using in situ UV-Visible spectrophotometer sensors to quantify riverine phosphorus partitioning and concentration at a high frequency. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 16(12):840–855.
- Kozel, Carrie L. 2017. Early Feeding in Lake Trout Fry (Salvelinus namaycush) as a Mechanism for Ameliorating Thiamine Deficiency Complex. MS Thesis, University of Vermont.
- Hamshaw, S.D., T. Bryce, D. M. Rizzo, J. O'Neil-Dunne, J. Frolik, M. M. Dewoolkar. 2017. Quantifying streambank movement and topography using unmanned aircraft system photogrammetry with comparison to terrestrial laser scanning. River Research and Applications 33(8):1354-1367.
- Isles, P.D.F., D.M. Rizzo, Y. Xu, and A.W. Schroth. 2017. Modeling the drivers of interannual variability in cyanobacterial blooms severity using self-organizing maps and high-frequency data. Inland Waters 7:333-347.
- Millarhouse A. 2017. What’s in Your Body of Water? Reducing the Psychological Distance of Pharmaceutical Pollution Through Metaphor in Risk Communication. M.S. Thesis, University of Vermont.
- Pinheiro, V. M., J. D. Stockwell, J. E. Marsden. 2017. Lake trout (Salvenlinus namaycush) spawning site use in Lake Champlain. Journal of Great Lakes Research 43(2):345-351.
- Garton, J. 2015. Evaluating the effectiveness of best management practices on rural backroads of Vermont: A retrospective assessment and cost analysis. M.S. Project. Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, 98pp.
- Ishee, E.R., D.S. Ross, K.M. Garvey, R.R. Bourgault, and C.R. Ford. 2015. Phosphorus characterization and contribution from eroding streambank soils of Vermont’s Lake Champlain basin. J. Environ. Qual. 44:1745-1753.
- Isles, P.D.F., C.D. Giles, T.A. Gearhart, Y. Xu, G.K. Druschel, and A.W. Schroth. 2015. Dynamic internal drivers of a historically severe cyanobacteria bloom in Lake Champlain revealed through comprehensive monitoring. Journal of Great Lakes Research 41:818-829.
- Pinheiro, Victoria M., 2015. Lake trout spawning site use in Lake Champlain and the development of the binomial rolling residence test. M.S. Thesis. Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, 59pp.
- Tyler, J. 2014. Field scale topographical assessment of sediment transport and associated phosphorus using the WEPP and SWAT models. M.S. Thesis. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT. 84 pp.
- Young, E.O., D.S. Ross, B.J. Cade-Menun, and C.W. Liu. 2013. Phosphorus speciation in riparian soils: A phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and enzyme hydrolysis study. Soil Science Society of America Journal 77(5):1636-1647.
- Young, E. O., D.S. Ross, C. Alves, and T. Villars. 2012. Soil and landscape influences on native riparian phosphorus availability in three Lake Champlain Basin stream corridors. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 67(1)1-7.
- Ishee, E.I. 2011. Characterizing phosphorus in eroding streambank soils in Chittenden County, Vermont. M.S. Thesis. Department of Plant & Soil Science, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, 90pp.
- Besaw, LE., D.M. Rizzo, P.R. Bierman, and W. Hackett. In Revision, 2009. Advances in ungauged streamflow prediction using neural networks. Journal of Hydrology 386:27-37.
- Johnson, N.R., and J. E. Hill. 2010. Phosphorus species composition of poultry manure-amended soil using high-throughput enzymatic hydrolysis. Soil Science Society of America Journal 74:1786-1791.
- Besaw, L.E., D.M. Rizzo, M. Kline, K.L. Underwood, J.J. Doris, L.A. Morrissey. and K. Pelletier. 2009. Stream classification using hierarchical artificial neural networks: A fluvial hazard management tool. Journal of Hydrology 373:34-43.
- Kominami, H. 2009. Synthesizing summer water quality monitoring data from Shelburne Farms (2004-2008). Shelburne Farm Technical Report. University of Vermont Plant and Soil Science Department, 35pp.
- Shanley, J. B. and B. Wemple. 2009. Water quality and quantity in the mountain environment, in J. E. Milne, J. LeMense, and R.A. Virginia (eds.), Mountain Resorts: Ecology and the Law, Surrey, U.K., Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
- Ambers, R.K.R., and B.C. Wemple. 2008. Reservoir sedimentation dynamics: Interplay and implications of human and geologic processes. Northeastern Geology and Environmental Science 30(1):49-60.
- Burgess, Heather D. 2007. Geochemical Indicators of Productivity Change in Lake Champlain, USA-Canada. M.S. Thesis. University of Vermont, Burlington, VT. 191pp.
- Wemple, B.C., J. Shanley, J. Denner, D. Ross, and K. Mills. 2007. Hydrology and water quality in two mountain basins of the northeastern US: Assessing baseline conditions and quality in two mountain basins of the northeastern US: Assessing baseline conditions and effects of ski area development. Hydrological Processes 21(12):1639-50.
- Wheeler, S. M. 2006. An evaluation of the utility of remote sensing for monitoring cyanobacteria in Lake Champlain. M.S. Thesis. University of Vermont, Burlington, VT. 89pp.
- Ferber, L.R., S.N. Levine, A. Lini and G.P. Livingston. 2004. Do cyanobacteria dominate in eutrophic lakes because they fix atmospheric nitrogen? Freshwater Biology 49:690-708.
- Dybas, C. 2003. Harmful algal blooms: Biosensors provide new ways of detecting and monitoring growing threat in coastal waters. BioScience 53(10):918-923.
- Sargent, D.H. 2001. Spatial and temporal distribution of Escherichia coli in the Mad River Watershed, Vermont. M.S. Thesis. School of Natural Resources, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, 68pp.
- Papadopoulou, M.P., G.F. Pinder, and G.P. Karatzas. 2000. Optimal management of a coastal aquifer using least-cost technology. Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Vol. I, pp. 561-566, Calgary Alberta, Canada.
- Abbott, MD and Stanley, RS. 1999. Modeling groundwater recharge and flow in an upland fractured bedrock aquifer. System Dynamics Review 15(2):163-184.
- Borchardt, M.A. 1994. Effects of flowing water on nitrogen- and phosphorus-limited photosynthesis and optimum N:P rations by Spirogyra fluviatilis (Charophyceae). Journal of Phycology 30(30):418-430.
- Borchardt, M.A., J.P. Hoffman, and P.W. Cook. 1994. Phosphorus uptake kinetics of Spirogyra fluviatilis Charophyceae in flowing water. Journal of Phycology 30(3):403-417.
- Douglas, W.C., A. McIntosh, J.C. Clausen. 1993. Toxicity of sediments containing atrazine and carbofuran to larvae of the midge Chironomus tentans. Enviromental Toxicology and Chemistry 12(5):847-853.
- Duchovnay, A., J.W. Reid, and A. McIntosh. 1992. Thermocyclops crassus (Crustacea: Copepoda) present in North America: A new record from Lake Champlain. Journal of Great Lakes Research 18:415-419.
- Shellinger, G.R. and J.C. Clausen. 1992. Vegetative filter treatment of dairy barnyard runoff in cold regions. Journal of Environmental Quality 21(1):40-45.
- Watzin, M.C. 1992. A research and monitoring agenda for Lake Champlain : Proceedings of a workshop, December 17-19, 1991, Burlington, Vermont. Lake Champlain Basin Program technical report 1.
- Brynn, D.J. and J.C. Clausen. 1991. Postharvest assessment of Vermont's acceptable silvicultural management practices and water quality impacts. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 8(4):140-144.
- Kirn, R.A. and G.W. LaBar. 1991. Stepped-oblique midwater trawling as an assessment technique for rainbow smelt. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 11:167-176.
- Clausen, J.C. and G.D. Johnson. 1990. Lake level Influences on sediment and nutrient retention in a lakeside wetland. Journal of Environmental Quality 19(1):83-88.
- Davis, L.S., J.P. Hoffman, and P.W. Cook. 1990. Production and nutrient accumulation by periphyton in a wastewater tretment facility. Journal of Phycology 26(4):617-623.
- Davis, L.S., J.P. Hoffman, and P.W. Cook. 1990. Seasonal succession of algal periphyton from a wastewater treatment facility. Journal of Phycology 26(4):611-617.
- Ross, D.S. and R.J. Bartlett. 1990. Effects of extraction methods and sample storage on properties of solutions obtained from forested spodosols. Journal of Environmental Quality 19(1):108-113.
- Clausen, J.C. and D.W. Meals. 1989. Water quality achievable with agricultural best management practices. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 44(6):593-596.
- Schwer, C.B. and J.C. Clausen. 1989. Vegetative filter treatment of dairy milkhouse wastewater. Journal of Environmental Quality 18(4):446-451.
- Ratsep, A.I. and R.E. Sjogren. 1984. Assay for biologicaly available phosphorus using proteolytic Aeromonas hydrophila. Freshwater Biology14:423-429.
- Hopkins, R.B. and J.C. Clausen. 1983. Land use monitoring and assessment for nonpoint source pollution control. Pp. 25-29 in Perspectives on Nonpoint Source Pollution, Proceedings of a National Conference, May 19-22, 1985, Kansas City, MO, Environmental Protection Agency.
- Ciali, C.P. and R.E. Manning. 1981. Recreation and river type: Social-environmental relationships. Environmental Management 5(2):109-120.
- Sjogren, R.E. and M.J. Gibson. 1981. Bacterial survival in a dilute environment. Applied Environmental Microbiology 41(6):1331-1336.
- Sjogren, R.E. and J. Port. 1981. Heavy metal-antibiotic resistant bacteria in a lake recreational area. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 15:29-44.