With support from the UVM Office of the President and the Office of the Provost, the RFAO administers the UVM Retired Scholars Awards Program to provide support for retired faculty to complete research and scholarship projects.
Retired Scholars Awards for 2024-2025
Retired Scholars Awards for 2024-2025:
The Office of the Provost in conjunction with the Executive Board of the RFAO made the following awards to
- Dave Barrington, Professor Emeritus of Plant Biology. To provide an accounting of, and ultimately an identification guide for, the species diversity of the fern genus Polystichum in the alpine zone of Ecuador. Funds will cover laboratory supplies and fees of the UVM Scanning Electron Microscope facility, student support in the preparation of illustrations, and travel to key herbaria.
- Cameron Davis, Senior Lecturer Emerita of Art and Art History. To contribute to the creation of the set design for Emergent Universe Oratorio, a performance scheduled to take place next year at Skidmore College.
- Robert Gordon, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. To support continuation of the author's research on Namibian Bushmen, specifically for copy-editing and production of The Bushman Myth: Genocide and the Road to Servility, and with the goal of making this book more price-accessible to local readers in that community.
- Adrian Ivakhiv, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Thought and Culture. To support an edited anthology entitled Terra Invicta: Ukrainian Wartime Re-imaginings for a Habitable Earth, as well as an associated symposium (Ukraine and the Climates of War and Peace) that will involve several of the book's Ukrainian contributors.
- Jeffrey Marshall, Library Professor Emeritus. To assist in the travel needed to inspect a rare document source in order to address requested revisions to a provisionally accepted journal article entitled A Curious Bible: Printing Imperfections in a Copy of Nicolaus Gotz's Biblia Latina (Goff B555).
Previous Retired Scholars Awards
Previous Retired Scholars Awards
- Daniel Baker, Associate Professor Emeritus of Community Development and Applied Economics. To support the project "Utilization, Impacts and Sustainability of the Ecological Sugar Project: Assessment and Recommendations for Technology Transfer". The award will assist in funding field interviews by local partners of 30 sugar producers in Honduras regarding their use of adapted maple syrup evaporators, utilizing a survey instrument developed by Baker. The findings will be submitted to a respected rural development publication.
- Cameron Davis, Senior Lecturer Emerita of Art and Art History. To complete the set design for Emergent Universe Oratorio (composer Sam Guarnaccia). In partnership with Albany Pro Musica, the EUO Set Design is a video animation design projected onto a screen behind the choir, orchestra, and orator throughout the 80 minute performance that is scheduled to take place at RPI in Troy, NY.
- Scott Morrical, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, and of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics. To cover publication costs for a journal article to be based on research data already collected on the virus but not yet publicly available. The running title is "Expression, purification & characterization of cyanobacteriophage-encoded glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme".
- Robert Rodgers, Professor Emeritus of Classics. To support research assistance in the verification of citations from medieval manuscripts and other publications. This award will facilitate the timely completion of a Critical Edition of Res Rusticae, which Rodgers has under contract with Oxford University Press and its Classical Texts series.
- Angela Patten, Senior Lecturer Emerita of English. To continue the next phase in the creation of original poems inspired by visits to three medieval mechanical and astronomical clocks in Munster, Germany, Bern, Switzerland, and Cremona, Italy.
- Donald Ross, Research Professor Emeritus of Plant and Soil Science. For unanticipated page charges not covered by the "transformative agreement" established between UVM and Wiley Publishing for the accepted article in the Soil Science of America Journal titled Groundwater input drives large variance in soil manganese concentration and reactivity in a forested headwater catchment.
- Patrick Hutton, Professor Emeritus of History. To support the writing of an invited scholarly article for the Journal of the Philosophy of History focusing on a comparison of the work in historiographical theory of the German historian Reinhart Koselleck and the American Hayden White.
- Howard Ball, Professor Emeritus of Political Science. For the project: "Two Conflicting Views About the Treatment of America's Hyphenated-Americans and Radical Labor Unions, 1900 - 1920".
- Christina Melvin, Clinical Associate Professor Emerita of Nursing. For the creation of two videos using standardized patients in scenario settings to alert healthcare providers and students to the identification of potential human trafficking victims.
- Kathleen Schneider, Professor Emerita of Art. For the production of a series of four fine art screen prints titled " Heart Break". Portfolio will be shown at a Warsaw, Poland gallery, June - September 2022.
- Angela Patten, Senior Lecturer Emerita of English. For travel to Wells Cathedral, England to research and observe one of the oldest existing medieval astronomical clocks with the goal of creating an original series of poems.
- Carolyn Elliott, Professor Emerita of Political Science. Preparation of a book for publication, Politics in Undivided Andhra Pradesh, including retyping the edited anthology of articles into a uniform script as well as permission fees.