RFAO Executive Board

The RFAO Executive Board is composed of elected and appointed officers and members. Current members are shown with contact information in the table below.

UVM RFAO Executive Board

UVM RFAO Executive Board

MemberPositionEmailAcademic Title (year retired)
Takamaru Ashikaga Takamaru.Ashikaga@uvm.eduFacility Director, Medical Biostatistics and Biometry Facility (2019)
Richard BrandaSecretary-TreasurerRichard.Branda@uvm.eduProfessor of Medicine, College of Medicine (2008)
Ralph Budd Ralph.Budd@med.uvm.eduProfessor of Medicine, and Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, Larner College of Medicine (2022)
Ruth Farrell Ruth.Farrell@uvm.eduAssociate Vice-President of Research (2019)
Alan Gotlieb Alan.Gotlieb@uvm.eduExtension Professor of Plant and Soil Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (2003)
Michael GurdonPresidentMichael.Gurdon@uvm.eduProfessor of Business Administration, School of Business Administration (2013)
Rachel Johnson Rachel.Johnson@uvm.eduProfessor of Nutrition and Food Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (2018)
Dwight MatthewsInformation OfficerDwight.Matthews@uvm.eduProfessor of Chemistry and Medicine, College of Arts and Sciences (2019)
Beth MintzVice Presidentbeth.mintz@uvm.eduProfessor of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences (2018)
Alison Pechenick Alison.Pechenick@uvm.eduSenior Lecturer, College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (2019)
Mara SauleFaculty Senate RepresentativeMara.Saule@uvm.eduDean of University Libraries (2019)
Lee Thompson Lee.Thompson@uvm.eduProfessor of English, College of Arts and Sciences (2003)
Judith Van Houten Judith.Vanhouten@uvm.eduProfessor of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences (2018)