The UVM Retired Faculty and Administrative Officers (RFAO) is an organization composed of retired academic, clinical, library, extension, and research faculties, and administrative officers at the University of Vermont. The current constitution of the RFAO Organization is shown below.
RFAO Constitution
Constitution of the UVM Retired Faculty and Administrative Officers (RFAO) Organization
- The UVM Retired Faculty and Administrative Officers (RFAO) is an organization composed of all persons retired from the ranks of academic, clinical, library, extension, and research faculties, and administrative officers at the University of Vermont. The purpose of the organization is broad, but all of its activities are directed to enriching the lives of all members of the university community.
- Executive Board:
- A president, vice-president, and secretary/treasurer performing the usual functions of each office, and five (5) other members shall constitute the Executive Board, whose members shall be elected at the annual business meeting for a term of two (2) years, with eligibility for re-election.
- Ex-officio members of the Executive Board shall include the past president for two (2) years after leaving office and, for example, the information officer, the Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education (AROHE) representative, the representatives to United Academics and to the Faculty Senate, and others as may be appointed by the Executive Board.
- Ex-officio members are voting members.
- Ex-officio members, other than the past President, can be nominated by any member and subsequently approved for two-year terms by a majority vote of the Board. Ex-officio members may be re-elected.
- Vacancies of elected members of the Executive Board may be filled by appointment made by the Executive Board for the duration of the term.
- Vacancies of ex-officio members of the Executive Board may be filled by appointment made by the Executive Board.
- Committees and organizational representatives may be appointed by the Executive Board or President for a specific term as opportunities for work appear.
- Election of Regular Executive Board Members:
- Nominations for Executive Board membership will be solicited from the general membership before the election. A list of nominees, who have agreed to stand, will be drawn up by the Executive Board and presented to the general membership.
- The election will be warned by e-mail to all members, who will be allowed two weeks to vote. Voting will be done through a web portal.
- Meetings
- The Executive Board will meet monthly except for the months of June and July. Minutes of the Board meetings will be posted in a timely manner on the RFAO web site. A quorum for Executive Board action shall consist of seven (7) members; at least two (2) must be officers.
- There shall be an annual business meeting scheduled. It will be made available as a hybrid meeting with in-person and virtual attendance options. The annual elections (see above) will be finalized in time for announcement of results at the annual business meeting. A quorum for business meetings shall consist of thirty (30) members, or ten (10) percent of the membership, whichever is smaller. These members may be present in person or by videoconferencing.
- Additional meetings, including business meetings, may be called by the Executive Board as the need arises.
- Changes in this Constitution shall be adopted by majority vote at a business meeting after such amendments have been warned by written notice at least three (3) weeks before the meeting and put on its agenda.
Adopted: October 18, 1980
- October 12, 1983
- October 15, 1996
- October 3, 2006
- October 20, 2007
- October 19, 2012
- November 5, 2021