What else do I need to know?
Free Expression: Rights guaranteed by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, including rights to freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, petition, and association. Free expression, however, ceases at the point when its exercise infringes on the rights of others and, pursuant to law, is subject to reasonable prescription of time, place, and manner.
Unprotected Speech: Speech and other forms of expression that are not protected under federal and state law, include credible threats, fighting words, incitement of imminent lawless action, harassment, obscenity, defamation, and infringement of the intellectual property or privacy rights of others.
The expression of views, through words or conduct, must be exercised in a manner that does not interfere with the rights of others to present their views in a lawful manner without disruptive interference, does not disrupt the core activities of the campus (work, learning, studying, etc.), and does not result in a risk to the personal safety of the speaker(s) or others. To protect free expression on campus, the University has the authority and obligation to enforce rules that restrict and sanction those who seek to disrupt the expression of others or the ability of others to engage in the core activities of the campus. Additionally, the University reserves the right to respond appropriately to unprotected speech.
The University's commitment to free expression is operationalized through several interrelated University policies and procedures listed below. These documents guide our community regarding the exercise of free expression on campus, or in association with university sponsored activities, within the boundaries of lawful behavior.
Use of University Facilities, Grounds, and Resources
- Banners Display
- Computer, Communication, and Network Technology Acceptable Use
- Events, Speakers, and Activities - Facilities & Grounds Use
- Filming on Campus
- Flag
- Political Engagement, Advocacy, and Campaign Related Activities
- Posting and Solicitation
- Temporary Structures
- University Name, Symbols, Letterhead, and other Proprietary Indicia of Affiliation
- Use of Campus Mail and Letterboxes
Promoting Safety and Security
Is there education available?
Training will be provided on an as-needed basis as determined by the Approval Authority or the Responsible Official.