Policy Review Calendar and Process

Policy Review Process

Review Calendar and Deadlines


The development and review of institutional policies and procedures occur from the start of the fall semester to the end of the spring semester (late August to late May). New or significantly revised policies are reviewed by the Policy Review Group (PRG)*. The Responsible Official, in consultation with the Office of Compliance and Privacy Services and the Office of General Counsel, decides if the level and type of minor edits require PRG review. 

The Office of Compliance and Privacy Services starts the campus review process according to the schedule in the Deadlines for Campus Comment table below. The Office will send an email to the Policy Review Group asking them to review the policies and procedures. The email will contain instructions on how to submit comments or edits. All comments and edits must be submitted by the due date and sent to the Institutional Policy Manager and any other individuals specified in the email. 

*The Policy Review Group includes the following members: 

  • Deans, Directors, Department Heads, and Chairs (the DDDC list); 

  • Union Leadership; 

  • The presidents of the following governance groups: 

  • Faculty Senate 

  • Student Government Association 

  • Graduate Student Senate 

  • Staff Council 

  • For University policies, UOPs, or guidelines that require Board review and/or ratification, it also includes the Board Chair or the relevant Chair(s) of the Board Committee responsible for review and/or ratification. 

Policy Revision Process


The process for the development, review, finalization and retirement of University Policies, University Operating Procedures (UOPs), and University Guidelines follows the Adoption of University Policies, University Operating Procedures and University Guidelines.

For more detailed instructions on the policy review process, including the Policy App Mini-Manual, see the Review Process.

2024/2025 Deadlines for Campus Comment

Due to Submit Draft  DocumentsCampus Comment Period
9/6/20249/13/2024 - 9/27/2024
10/11/202410/18/2024 - 11/1/2024
11/15/202411/22/2024 - 12/13/2024
1/24/20251/31/2025 - 2/14/2025
2/28/20253/7/2025 - 3/21/2025
4/4/20254/11/2025 - 4/25/2025