Our Values

The Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont values diversity as a driver of excellence. We actively support our broadly diverse academic health campus, serving our community through teaching, research, patient care, and community engagement.
Professionalism badge

Guided by professionalism

At the UVM Larner College of Medicine, professionalism is at the core of what we do and who we are. Our strong institutional commitment to professionalism guides a passion for lifelong learning and improvement.

Read our Statement on Professionalism
Davis Center

Our Common Ground

The University of Vermont is an educationally purposeful community seeking to prepare students to live in a diverse and changing world.

Read Our Common Ground

Land Acknowlegement

Land Acknowledgement

The campus of the University of Vermont sits within a place of gathering and exchange, shaped by water and stewarded by ongoing generations of Indigenous peoples, in particular the Western Abenaki. 

Acknowledging the relations between water, land, and people is in harmony with the mission of the university. Acknowledging the serious and significant impacts of our histories on Indigenous peoples and their homelands is a part of the university’s ongoing work of teaching, research, and engagement and an essential reminder of our past and our interconnected futures for the many of us gathered on this land. 

UVM respects the Indigenous knowledge interwoven in this place and commits to uplifting the Indigenous peoples and cultures present on this land and within our community.

- Crafted with thoughtful input from the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs