Public Policy

Burlington Aging Council 

The Burlington City Council established the Burlington Aging Council with the purpose of:

  • elevating the contributions of older adults in Burlington; 
  • raising issues facing older adults in Burlington and the organizations that serve them; 
  • making policy recommendations to the Mayor and City Council to address gaps, needs, and opportunities that impact older adults in Burlington; 
  • ensuring that the voices of older adults in Burlington are at the forefront of City policy; 
  • creating and maintaining a “Burlington Plan on Aging” to act as a guiding template for City policy and initiatives. 

Age Strong Burlington is the draft plan on aging for the city. The Center on Aging was involved in the formulation of the plan and is working toward the adoption of the plan by the City Council. 

Age Strong VT


Vermont's older population is our fastest growing age group. By 2030, one in three of us will be over the age of 60.  Becoming an age-friendly state requires a holistic approach that brings us together to ensure older Vermonters are able to contribute their time, wisdom, talents, and skills to our communities and to address a wide range of changing needs—such as housing, healthcare, transportation, caregiving, access to healthy food, education, and employment. 

The Age Strong VT plan serves as a roadmap for Vermont state agencies and lawmakers, business owners, social service agencies, town and city planners, and the healthcare industry to build a coordinated and efficient system of services—with the overarching goal of enhancing and securing the right for all Vermonters to age safely and happily, while maintaining dignity and respect. 

Representatives from the Center on Aging were involved in the development of the plan. The Center continues to collaborate with state and community partners as together plans are made for continued implementation and coordination. 

Read the full Age Strong VT Plan (PDF)

View the Age Strong VT Tracker (PDF)

Governor's Commission on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders (ADRD)


The Vermont Legislature established the Governor’s Commission on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders in 1991. Since its inception, the Commission has provided leadership on a number of public policy matters specific to the needs and concerns of people living with dementia.

The Commission’s mission is to identify key public policy issues related to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, to educate the public and private sectors regarding these matters, and to make policy recommendations in support of developing programs and services essential to providing accessible and appropriate services to people with dementia illnesses and to their families and other care partners. 

The Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living Advisory Board


The Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living (DAIL) Advisory Board was created for the purpose of advising the Commissioner with respect to programs and issues affecting older persons and persons with disabilities. 

The Center on Aging participates on the Advisory Board and works with state and community partners to advocate for the health and wellbeing of older Vermonters.