Your NetID's password is the key to all the services your NetID can unlock. Having a strong password is essential to maintaining NetID account security. So, what makes a strong password? Three things: password length, differing character sets, and complexity.
The longer the password, the more difficult it will be to crack. UVM NetID passwords are required to be at least 12 characters long, but longer is better.
The more character sets used, the more secure the password. Different character sets include:
- upper case letters (A B C D)
- lower case letters (a b c d)
- numbers (1 2 3 4)
- punctuation or other symbols (! @ # $)
UVM NetID passwords require at least two different character sets, but more is better.
The more complex a password is, the more difficult to guess. Complex passwords are:
- not based on words found in the dictionary, in any language
- not words spelled backwards, common misspellings or abbreviations
- not sequences (12345678) or repeated characters (22222222)
- not common mathematic sequences and series like Fibonacci numbers, Pi, or prime numbers
- not keyboard layout sequences (QWERTYPOIU, qazwsxedc or similar)
- not dates like birthdays or anniversaries
- not personal information like names of friends, relatives, pets or children
- not another unique identifier like your Social Security Number, student ID number, bank PIN, driver's license number or passport number
An ideal password is one that is easy for you to remember, impossible for a human to guess, and more difficult for a computer to crack.