Knowledge Base Articles

Before creating your first KB article, please browse through categories and existing articles at This will help you get an idea of the overall look, feel, and functionality of the KB.

KB articles should be created for a specific topic, for example: "Connecting to UVM Wireless". Multiple operating systems and devices are supported on UVM wireless, therefore the UVM wireless KB article should include instructions for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, etc.

The goal is to have one guide contain all relevant information, regardless of the supported device.

Example Article

Duo MFA -

The Duo MFA guide is exemplary for several reasons:

  1. Effective description of the tool, alongside
  2. Obvious link to Manage your MFA Devices
  3. Ample usage of toggles in each section
  4. Trimmed screenshots with arrows to the relevant information
  5. Links to additional resources

Creating a Knowlege Base Article

  1. Login to the Wordpress Dashboard:
  2. Select Knowledge Base then choose Add New Article Screenshot

Unable to login?

If you're unable to login to the KB Admin dashboard, please request editor access to the KB.

What's in a Knowledge Base Article?

  • Title
  • Body (where the meat of the guide goes)
  • Assigned Categories Screenshot


Titles should be as short as possible, while remaining sufficiently descriptive of what the guide is for.

In addition to functioning as the name of the article, the URL for an article is determined by the Title. This can be later edited by clicking Edit next to the permalink field. Screenshots

Assigning Relevant Categories

Categories are created by site administrators. KB articles can be assigned to multiple categories, which allows the guide to appear in the listing of each category that is selected.


If you feel strongly that a new category should be created, please contact

Publishing Articles

Publishing a KB article makes it viewable to the public. It is important that drafts and incomplete articles are not published to avoid confusing our client base.

Depending on your assigned Role, you may or may not have the ability to publish a KB article. If you need to have an article published, please email stating the name of your article and that it is ready to be published.