The UVM Office of Equal Opportunity is issuing the annual refresher course entitled “Preventing Discrimination and Harassment: Gateway” to all faculty and staff. It is critical that employees who receive the assignment complete this required module. It covers important topics UVM employees need to be aware of, including resources relating to sexual misconduct, discrimination, discriminatory harassment, support services, and mandatory reporter obligations. 

Faculty and staff will receive a direct email to access the course, now hosted on UVM’s learning management system, Brightspace. The email will include a link to access the training, which takes about 40 minutes to complete. Employees who have completed the Preventing Harassment and Discrimination orientation program within the past year will not be assigned the refresher. Those who do receive the assignment should only complete it during active work hours and consultation with your supervisor is encouraged. The online course will save your progress if you do not complete it in one session. We ask that all faculty and staff complete the course within 30 days of receiving the assignment.  

More information about the training is available on the Harassment and Discrimination web page. Information about support resources and reporting options for concerns of sexual misconduct and other forms of discrimination and harassment is available on the Office of Equal Opportunity website.   

If you require an accommodation such as accommodation for a disability-related condition to access this content or if participation in this training will be detrimental to your well-being for other reasons, please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity at 802-656-3368 or email to discuss options for accommodations or alternatives.

Thank you for your participation in this program, which will help us facilitate a welcoming and safe environment for all UVM community members.