The Graduate College at the University of Vermont was formally established in 1952, though the first graduate degree had been awarded in 1807. Today, UVM offers over 100 graduate degree and certificate programs. All graduate degrees are awarded by the Graduate College with the exception of the M.D. degree, which is awarded by the College of Medicine. The Graduate College includes programs and degrees in the natural, physical and biological sciences, the social sciences, the humanities, and professional training. One of the notable features of a UVM graduate education is that many of our programs are interdisciplinary, cutting across several departments and areas of study. These interdisciplinary programs capitalize on the exceptional strengths of UVM faculty, especially in the biological and biomedical sciences as well as in environmental and ecological programs.

We value your thoughts!

Dean Holger Hoock is leading a strategic planning process for the Graduate College - community input is vital and valued! Please share your thoughts about how we might support the best graduate student experience. What do you value? What might we add or improve? What is working well that we might amplify? Thank you!

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