The Physical Plant's Lock Shop is responsible for the repair and maintenance of door locks, and keys and electronic access systems (e.g., card swipe readers) in all campus buildings. Services include:
- Repairing door locks/lock sets, changing locks and installing new locks.
- Repairing and replacing other types of locks including file cabinets, desk drawers, mailboxes and lockers.
- Maintaining the central database of all keys issued on campus.
- Maintaining the electronic key boxes (i.e., "KeyWatcher") across campus.
- Cutting and issuing physical keys to University personnel with proper approval.
To request repairs related to locks, keys and access:
Submit a Planon Self-Service Request
To Request New Keys or Electronic Access
Access requests are administered by UVM Division of Safety and Compliance. Find forms and instructions on Key and CatCard Access Request.
Staff Contacts
Phone: 802-656-0984