Life Safety

The Life Safety crew in Physical Plant are responsible for the maintenance, repair, testing and inspections of all fire protection and life safety equipment in all campus buildings.

Life Safety personnel are highly trained specialists in their field and work in close partnership with the Burlington Fire Department, with UVM Risk Management, and with UVM Police Services. 

System Testing Schedules

The Life Safety crew coordinates with Zone Maintenance areas and a contracted service provider to conduct regular safety inspections on fire alarm and sprinkler systems in accordance with NFPA standards.

Annual Fire Alarm Testing 

Mid-May to Mid-June:  Residential Life Buildings and Trinity Campus
July: Stafford Hall, Given Complex, HSRF, Rowell Hall, Firestone Medical Research Building, Colchester Research Facility, and Jeffords Hall
Late-December through Mid-January: Academic and Administrative buildings


Sprinkler Systems Testing

Annual Test: Mid-May through Early June.
Quarterly Test: September, December and March.

a bright red sign with words "Fire Alarm Testing in Progress" posted at building entrance

Typically, building occupants are given prior notice of when audible testing will occur in their buildings through postings and signage at all building entrances.

Hot Work Permits

The Life Safety team are responsible for issuing "Hot Work" permits as part of our campus fire prevention safety program. All maintenance activities which use open flames or which may produce heat or sparks require a "Hot Work" permit. Activities such as grinding, cutting, brazing, soldering, torching and welding must be pre-approved by the Life Safety team. Maintenance personnel and contractors must plan ahead and obtain their Hot Work permit before beginning the work.

All maintenance activities which use open flames or which may produce heat or sparks require a "Hot Work" permit. 

Plan Ahead! Call Service Operations Support (SOS) at 802-656-2560 to request your Hot Work permit. 
A Life Safety team member will typically respond within an hour.  

Staff Contacts

Phone: 802-656-3284