This year's conference promises to deliver a dynamic array of talks and workshops designed to help collaborators build capacity to communicate and market their work to a broader stakeholder audience. This conference will help participants develop messages and share information in such a way that the public sees the value of forest ecosystem monitoring and research in our region and its relevance to their lives.
The morning plenary will feature a keynote on principles of effectively communicating science and advocating for forest ecosystem monitoring and research to policy makers, managers and the public. This will be followed by a series of flash talks demonstrating quick and diverse examples of effective communication.
The theme is tied into the afternoon workshops where our morning presenters and others will offer skills-building workshops on various science communication topics so that participants can take tangible ideas and actions away from the conference to help promote their work.
As in past years, we also provide parallel sessions of contributed talks where collaborators from across the region can present their most recent work, and a poster session and social hour to cap off the day.
The annual conference of the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative provides an important opportunity for communication, exchange of ideas, and expanding collaboration around forest ecosystem management and monitoring in the region. 2017 brings the first conference of the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative since changing it's name from the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative, and we continue to build on the success of 27 years of coordination, networking, monitoring and data sharing.
Who Should Attend
All policy makers, researchers, resource managers, students and other stakeholders who work or are interested in northeastern forested ecosystems.
Time and Date
Friday, December 15, 2017, from 9:00 - 5:30.
Davis Center, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont.
$22 per person ($20 per person if you register as a group of 3 or more). Click here to register. Discounted registration is available for RSENR graduate students.
Information on where to park at UVM is available here, and a map of parking areas can be found here. We request that attendees park in the Gutterson lot, a short 5 minute walk from the conference venue. Vehicles with state or federal license plates can park without a permit.
Contact Jim Duncan, FEMC Director.