FEMC Regional Project

Regional Forest Health Monitoring

The Forest Health Monitoring Program (FHM) was established in 1991 through a joint effort between the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR) and the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative to monitor the condition of tree species in Vermont...

Forest Health Monitoring Data and Reports on our Data Archive

Project Goals

The goal of the Forest Health Monitoring Program (FHM) is to collect annual forest monitoring data that focuses primarily on forest health and allows detection of subtle disturbances that may not be found using other protocols and techniques. The FEMC's FHM program also aims to create a comprehensive forest health monitoring protocol that can be integrated with the nation's standard forest monitoring protocols but is also be flexible enough to monitor issues that various forest stakeholders may have.

Regional Plot Network

In future updates of the Regional Forest Health Monitoring project page this map will be dynamic and downloadable for all users...

Project Quick Facts

Start Date:


End Date:


Sampling Cycle:


Number of Plots Established (as of 2024):

New Hampshire
New York
Rhode Island
Key Project Staff:
Soren Donisvitch
Ben Porter
Alison Adams
Jennifer Pontius
Project Contact:

Ben Porter

Related Links:
National Forest Health Monitoring Program Information
Interested in learning more about the program or this data?

Plot Layouts

Cluster style FHM plot layout based on USFS FIA P2 Plots (VT, RI, NH)
Nested style plot layout based on existing Massachusetts style CFI networks (MA, ME, CT, NY)

General Metrics

Browse: Crews survey each subplot for presence/absence of browse. Beginning in 2020 crews also began classifying the browse impact present within the subplot based on the USFS FIA browse impact scale. Clustered Plots Nested Plots

Invasive Species: Crews survey each subplot for presence/absence of invasive species and classify the observed area that the species occupies within the subplot. Clustered Plots Nested Plots

Regeneration and Saplings: For clustered plots (VT, RI, NH), each of the four (4) subplots have a designated 6.8' radius microplot that is 12' east of the subplot center. For nested plots (MA, NY, ME, CT), each plot has four (4) designated 6.0' radius microplot 26' away in each of the cardinal directions of plot center. Within this microplot technicians will carefully survey seedlings ( <1" DBH) and saplings ( >1" DBH and <5" DBH). The seedlings are further divided into two different classes. Class 1 seedlings encompass conifers that are <6" in height and hardwoods <12" in height. Class 2 seedlings account for conifers that are >=6" in height and hardwoods >=12" in height. For saplings, technicians will measure DBH and status (live or dead). Once a sapling’s DBH reaches 5 inches it becomes a tree. Clustered Seedlings Nested Seedlings Clustered Saplings Nested Saplings

Prism: Technicians use a 10 Basal Area Factor Wedge prism to assess all live and dead trees from the subplot center. Clustered Plots Nested Plots


  • Physiological measurements (DBH/Height)
  • Vigor
  • Crown Health (Dieback/Transparency/Discoloration/Defoliation)
  • Damages

Clustered Plots Nested Plots

Seedling Guide (2022)

A guide to the seedlings of Vermont for Forest Health Monitoring.

Forest Health Monitoring – Field Manual (2023)

This is the field protocol used to support the FEMC field crew...

Vermont Forest Health Monitoring Protocol (2019)

This is the full protocol used by the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative...

Regional Forest Health Monitoring

Dataset Name Data Availability Description Dates
Cluster Plot Style Invasive Species Observations (VT, NH, RI)DownloadableInvasive species and abundance on subplots2014-06-01 to present
Cluster Plot Visitation Information (VT, NH, RI)DownloadableInformation about specific visits to the cluster plots1992-01-01 to present
Cluster Prism Measurements on Subplots (VT, NH, RI)DownloadableCounts of live and dead stems in a 10-factor prism at each cluster subplot2014-06-01 to present
Cluster Sapling Measurements on Subplots (VT, NH, RI)DownloadableDiameter and species of all saplings on cluster microplots (2.5 to 10 cm DBH)1992-06-01 to present
Cluster Seedling Measurements on Subplots (VT, NH, RI)DownloadableCounts of seedlings on cluster microplot by species1992-06-01 to present
Cluster Subplot Locations (VT, NH, RI) DownloadableCluster subplot location information including latitude and longitude of both fuzzed and unfuzzed locations. Note: not all plots have true plot locations or all subplots recorded, as not all plots are publically available. For all unfuzzed plot locations, please submit a request to FEMC.1992-01-01 to present
Cluster Tree Identifying Information (VT, NH, RI)DownloadableThis dataset contains the basic tree info such as plot ID, location within the plot (distance and azimuth), and species. 1992-06-01 to present
Cluster Tree Subplot Health and Physiology Measurements (VT, NH, RI)DownloadableMeasurements of a wide range of tree characteristics, including height, diameter, crown condition, health indicators and others1992-06-01 to present
Clustered Subplot Visitation Information (VT, NH, RI)DownloadableGenernal subplot information including, crew initials, visit date, and browse information.1992-06-01 to present
FHM Invasive Species Abundance CodesDownloadableRegional FHM Invasive species abundance codes 2020-06-01 to present
FHM Invasive Species CodesDownloadableInvasive Species Codes used for region FHM program.2020-06-01 to present
Forest Health Monitoring Tree Species CodesDownloadableGives the species codes and corresponding taxonomic information for trees monitored as part of the Forest Health Monitoring Project. Also correlates to other project code lists1994-06-01 to present
Nested Invasive Species Observations (CT, MA, ME, NY)DownloadableNested Plot Style Invasive species and abundance on subplots 2019-08-28 to present
Nested Micro Plot Visitation Information (CT, MA, ME, NY)DownloadableInformation about specific microplot visits 2019-08-13 to present
Nested Plot Identifying Information (CT, MA, ME, NY)Description onlyNested Plot Foundational information about plots, including location and status2019-08-13 to present
Nested Plot Locations (CT, MA, ME, NY) DownloadableNested plot location information including latitude and longitude of both fuzzed and unfuzzed locations. Note: not all plots have true plot locations, as not all plots are publically available. For all unfuzzed plot locations, please submit a request to FEMC. 2019-08-13 to present
Nested Prism Measurements (CT, MA, ME, NY)DownloadableCounts of live and dead stems in a 10-factor prism.2019-08-13 to present
Nested Sapling Measurements on Microplots (CT, MA, ME, NY)DownloadableNested Diameter and species of all saplings on microplots (2.5 to 10 cm DBH)2019-08-13 to present
Nested Seedling Measurements on Microplots(CT, MA, ME, NY) DownloadableCounts of seedlings on microplot by species1992-06-01 to present
Nested Subplot Identifying Information (CT, MA, ME, NY)DownloadableFoundational information about nested microplots, including locations of plots based on cardinal direction2019-08-13 to present
Nested Tree Health and Physiology Measurements (CT, MA, ME, NY) DownloadableMeasurements of a wide range of tree characteristics, including height, diameter, crown condition, health indicators and others2019-08-13 to present
Nested Tree Identifying Information (CT, MA, ME, NY)DownloadableThis dataset contains the basic tree info for the nested plot style such as plot ID, location within the plot (distance and azimuth), and species2019-08-13 to present
Nested Visitation Information (CT, MA, ME, NY)DownloadableInformation about specific visits to the Nested plots.2019-08-13 to present

Massachusetts Forest Health Monitoring

Dataset Name Data Availability Description Dates
Hemispherical Photo Identifying InformationBy requestLocations, dates and camera heights for hemispherical photos taken on subplots2019-08-13 to 2021-12-31
Invasive Species ObservationsBy requestInvasive species and abundance on subplots2019-08-13 to 2021-12-31
Plot Identifying InformationBy requestFoundational information about plots, including location and status2019-08-13 to 2021-12-31
Plot Visitation InformationBy requestInformation about specific visits to the plots.2019-08-13 to 2021-12-31
Prism Measurements on SubplotsBy requestCounts of live and dead stems in a 10-factor prism at each subplot.2019-08-13 to 2021-12-31
Sapling Measurements on SubplotsBy requestDiameter and species of all saplings on microplots (2.5 to 10 cm DBH)2019-08-13 to 2021-12-31
Seedling Measurements on SubplotsDescription onlyCounts of seedlings on microplot by species2019-08-13 to 2021-12-31
Subplot Identifying InformationBy requestFoundational information about subplots, including locations, condition and updates2019-08-13 to 2021-12-31
Subplot Visitation InformationBy requestInformation about specific visits to the subplots2019-08-13 to 2021-12-31
Tree Health and Physiology MeasurementsDescription onlyMeasurements of a wide range of tree characteristics, including height, diameter, crown condition, health indicators and others2019-08-13 to 2021-12-31
Tree Identifying InformationBy requestThis dataset contains the basic tree info such as plot ID, location within the plot (distance and azimuth), and species.2019-08-13 to 2021-12-31

Vermont Forest Health Monitoring

Dataset Name Data Availability Description Dates
Coarse Debris Data from Down Woody Material SurveyBy requestData collected on coarse woody debris from the down woody material survey, including species and size of down material1991 to present
Duff Depth Data from Down Woody Material SurveyDownloadableData collected on duff depth from the down woody material survey, including depth of duff, litter and fuel.1991 to present
Fern Diversity at Forest Health Monitoring PlotsDownloadableAn inventory on fern diversity at Forest Health Monitoring Plots and a measurement of their abundance.2018-06-11 to 2018-08-22
Fine Debris Data from Down Woody Material SurveyDownloadableData collected on fine woody debris from the down woody material survey1991-06-01 to 1998-12-31
Forest Health Monitoring Natural Community ListDownloadableForest Health Monitoring plots organized by natural communities.2017-06-01 to 2018-08-22
Forest Health Monitoring Tree Species CodesDownloadableGives the species codes and corresponding taxonomic information for trees monitored as part of the Forest Health Monitoring Project. Also correlates to other project code lists1994-01-01 to 2021-12-31
Forest Health Monitoring: Mt Mansfield, Lye Brook Wilderness Area, and Ranch ValleyDescription onlyStandard tree size measurements and damage assessments on plots in Mt. Mansfield, Lye Brook Wilderness Area, and Ranch Valley. 1992-01-01 to 2015-12-31
General Plot Characteristics DownloadableA general description of the Forest Health Monitoring Plots including dominant understory and overstory species, slope, aspect, approximate age of forest stand, % canopy coverage, tree size class diversity, and downed woody debris size diversity. 2018-06-11 to 2018-08-21
Geological and Soil Characteristics of Forest Health Monitoring PlotsDownloadableThe soils and geology of each plot were characterized by pH, duff/soil depth, presence of acidic/basic indicators, and descriptions of the rocks present, topography, and the expected bedrock at each location. 2018-06-16 to 2018-08-15
Hemispherical Photo Identifying InformationBy requestLocations, dates and camera heights for hemispherical photos taken on subplots2014-06-01 to 2021-12-31
Invasive Species ObservationsDownloadableInvasive species and abundance on subplots2014-06-01 to 2021-12-31
Lichen Abundance at the Plot LevelDownloadableLichen abundance at each plot2002-01-01 to 2002-12-31
List of Lichen Species SurveyedDownloadableList of the lichen species and the corresponding codes for the 2002 lichen survey2002-01-01 to 2002-12-31
Microplot Fuel Loading from Down Woody Material SurveyDownloadableData collected on fuel loading from the down woody material survey, including shrub and herb height, both live and dead1991 to present
Plot Condition ClassDownloadableInformation on the overall condition of the plot in terms of stand type, age, disturbance and other characteristics1992-01-01 to present
Plot Identifying InformationDescription onlyFoundational information about plots, including location and status1992-01-01 to 2021-12-31
Plot Visitation InformationDownloadableInformation about specific visits to the plots1992-01-01 to 2021-12-31
Prism Measurements on SubplotsDownloadableCounts of live and dead stems in a 10-factor prism at each subplot2014-06-01 to 2021-12-31
Residue Data from Down Woody Material SurveyBy requestData collected on residue from the down woody material survey1991 to present
Sapling Measurements on SubplotsDownloadableDiameter and species of all saplings on microplots (2.5 to 10 cm DBH)1992-01-01 to 2021-12-31
Seedling Measurements on SubplotsDownloadableCounts of seedlings on microplot by species1992-01-01 to 2021-12-31
Subplot Identifying InformationDownloadableFoundational information about subplots, including locations, condition and updates1992-01-01 to 2021-12-31
Subplot Visitation InformationDownloadableInformation about specific visits to the subplots1992-01-01 to 2021-12-31
Transect Information from Down Woody Material SurveyDownloadableCharacteristics of each transect used in the down woody material survey1991 to present
Transparency Photo Identifying InformationBy requestLocations, dates and file names of pictures of foliage transparency taken on subplots2014-06-01 to 2021-12-31
Tree Health and Physiology MeasurementsDownloadableMeasurements of a wide range of tree characteristics, including height, diameter, crown condition, health indicators and others1992-01-01 to 2021-12-31
Tree Identifying InformationDownloadableThis dataset contains the basic tree info such as plot ID, location within the plot (distance and azimuth), and species.1991-06-01 to 2021-12-31
Yearly Plot-level Summaries of Forest Health IndicatorsDownloadableSummaries of forest health metrics at the plot level.1994-01-01 to 2012-12-31

Vermont Statewide Aerial Sketchmapping of Tree Defoliation, Mortality and other Damages

Dataset Name Data Availability Description Dates
Standardized and Combined Aerial Insect and Disease Surveys, 1985 to presentDownloadableSpatial data (shapefile) of all aerial defoliation surveys in Vermont from 1985 to the latest data available merged together into one dataset with a subset of fields. Data prior to 1995 were not always digitized, and may be incomplete before that year.1985-01-01 to present
Vermont ADS Standardized Data for Indicators DashboardDownloadableSummarized Insect and Disease Survey data (previously Aerial Detection Survey) for Vermont.1980-01-01 to present
Vermont Pest Origin StatusDownloadableA descriptive dataset that categorizes the pests found in the Vermont Insect and Disease Survey dataset as native, non-native invasive, or unknown based on the information available at the time. 1980-01-01 to 2018-04-16
Year-by-Year Aerial Insect and Disease Surveys, 1985 to PresentDownloadableSpatial data (shapefiles) of yearly aerial insect and disease surveys in Vermont from 1985 to present, separated into years and retaining all fields. Data prior to 1995 were not always digitized, and may be incomplete before that year.1985-01-01 to 2018-12-31
Yearly Flight Coverage Polygons, 1985 to 2018DownloadableSpatial data (shapefiles) showing the areas that were flown over and mapped during each year (flown/not flown information)1985-01-01 to 2018-12-31