2015 marks the 25th year of the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative, and the guiding theme for this year’s conference is:
25 Years of Forest Ecosystem Monitoring
Trends, Patterns, and Lessons Learned

As the VMC celebrates its 25th year of environmental monitoring we are taking stock of how long-term data can be used to keep us apprised of the condition of our forested ecosystem, identify emerging threats and inform planning and management decisions. This year we focus on the long-term records of many of our VMC collaborators. The morning plenary will feature invited presentations from experts in various disciplines synthesizing the long- term trends in their data and implications for the forested ecosystem. As in past years, the afternoon will be devoted to concurrent sessions where collaborators from across the region can present their most recent work, followed by a variety of working group sessions convened by members of our professional community.
The annual conference of the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative provides an important opportunity for communication, exchange of ideas, and expanding collaboration around forest ecosystem management and monitoring in Vermont.
Who Should Attend
All researchers, policy makers, resource managers, students and other stakeholders who work or are interested in the forested ecosystems of Vermont and the surrounding region.
Time and Date
Friday, December 11, 2015, from 9:00 - 5:00.
Davis Center, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont.
$20. Morning snacks, lunch and an afternoon coffee break provided with meeting registration. Discounted registration available for students
Information on where to park at UVM is available here, and a map of parking areas can be found here. Vehicles with state or federal license plates can park without a permit.
Contact Carl Waite, VMC Program Coordinator.