New 4-H Year Means New Opportunities

fireworks in the night sky

Burlington--National 4-H Week, October 7-12, marks the beginning of a new 4-H year. In Vermont, that means new opportunities for youths, ages 5 to 18, to learn and improve skills and for adults to support 4-H programming by volunteering their time and resources.

The theme for the coming year is “Beyond Ready” with a focus on building a ready generation in a world of change. Becoming ...

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Vermont 4-H'ers Show Cattle at Eastern States Exposition

Burlington--For 29 Vermont 4-H dairy members, the 2024 Eastern States Exposition 4-H dairy show provided an unparalleled opportunity to compete against top dairy competitors from the other New England states.

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Leave the Seed Heads Be!

By Amy Simone
Extension Master Gardener
University of Vermont 

Autumn colors have started to paint the landscape. As beautiful as those reds, oranges and yellows are, many gardeners tend to focus too much on the formerly green perennials that are now a crispy brown.

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