Confidential Support and Health Care Services:

  • UVM Counseling and Psychiatry Services (CAPS): Confidential counseling services for students. (802) 656-3340
  • HOPE Works: HOPE Works provides 24-hour crisis counseling and advocacy for individuals affected by sexual violence.  HOPE Works hotline is available at (802) 863-1236 or 1-800-489-7273
  • UVM Medical Center: Emergency Department and Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner.  Learn more here, and note that date rape drug testing is offered.  (802) 847-2434.   Address: 111 Colchester Avenue, Main Campus, West Pavilion, Level 1, Burlington, Vermont 05401.
  • Employee Assistance Program:  Confidential counseling services for UVM employees.  Contact (802) 864-3270 or toll-free at 1-866-660-9533.
  • UVM Student Health Services: Confidential health care services for students. (802) 656-3350
  • Catamount Recovery Program:  Support for substance use recovery.  (802) 656-0236

Other UVM Resources

Community Resources


What Can I Do to Support a Friend or Colleague Who is A Survivor?


Not every person who experiences violence will come forward to disclose or share their story. If you start seeing changes in behavior from a friend, colleague, employee, etc. such as difficulty concentrating, frequent absences from classes or work, and/or a decline in academic or work performance, consider whether it might be related to sexual violence, relationship violence and/or stalking. You should encourage your friend to contact HOPE Works, the Title IX Coordinator, and/or Police Services.  AAEO's Intake and Outreach Coordinator is available to provide support information and reporting options too.Some survivors will want to talk about their experiences. 

  • Keep their privacy.
  • It is a survivor's decision when and whether to tell others about what happened.
  • Don’t push them to reveal details about the incident or ask questions, even if you're curious.
  • Sexual misconduct occurs against people of all genders, sexual orientations, and backgrounds.  

Acknowledge their sadness, anger, fear, or confusion. Let them know that all of these feelings are normal after a sexual assault. Assure them that they aren't alone.



  • If a survivor was drunk during the assault, assure them that they aren't to blame for what happened.
  • If a survivor feels guilty because they didn't fight back, assure them that fear sometimes inhibits us.
  • Tell them that they did the best they could to survive the situation and that no one deserves to be sexually assaulted.

Don’t blame survivors for what happened by asking them things like why they were drinking, why they didn't fight back, what they were wearing, or by telling them what you would have done.

What can I do to support a friend or colleague reported to have caused harm?

Support Resources for Respondents


UVM Office of Equal Opportunity

P: (802) 656-3368

F: (802) 656-8223

85 S. Prospect St.
428 Waterman Building
Burlington, VT 05405

HOPE Works
24-Hour Support Hotline

P: (802) 863-1236 or 1-800-489-7273

*Local crisis counseling and advocacy