Confidential Support and Health Care Services:
- UVM Counseling and Psychiatry Services (CAPS): Confidential counseling services for students. (802) 656-3340
- HOPE Works: HOPE Works provides 24-hour crisis counseling and advocacy for individuals affected by sexual violence. HOPE Works hotline is available at (802) 863-1236 or 1-800-489-7273
- UVM Medical Center: Emergency Department and Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. Learn more here, and note that date rape drug testing is offered. (802) 847-2434. Address: 111 Colchester Avenue, Main Campus, West Pavilion, Level 1, Burlington, Vermont 05401.
- Employee Assistance Program: Confidential counseling services for UVM employees. Contact (802) 864-3270 or toll-free at 1-866-660-9533.
- UVM Student Health Services: Confidential health care services for students. (802) 656-3350
- Catamount Recovery Program: Support for substance use recovery. (802) 656-0236
Other UVM Resources
- UVM Police Services: To report criminal conduct, including sexual assault, other forms of sexual misconduct, or hate crimes - call 911 in an emergency or contact Police Services at (802) 656-3473. UVM Police Services can also assist with safety planning.
- EO Intake & Outreach Coordinator: AAEO’s Intake and Outreach Coordinator is available to assist individuals who have questions about the UVM process, or who are in need of interim measures such as no-contact orders, class changes, and other measures, as appropriate. The Intake and Outreach Coordinator is available to assist both complainants and respondents. (802) 656-3368
- The Mosaic Center for Students of Color: 802-656-3819
- The Prism Center (LGBTQA): 802-656-8637
- Interfaith Center: 802-656-4703
- UVM Women and Gender Equity Center: 802-656-7892
- Student Accessibility Services - (802) 656-7753 (accommodation assistance for students)
- Supporting Men, 1 in 4 Chapter (802) 656-3340
- Office of International Education: 802-656-4296
- Dean of Students Office: 656-3380
Community Resources
- Steps to End Domestic Violence: (802) 658-1996
- Safespace - Pride Center of Vermont: (802) 860-7812
- Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services: (802) 241-1250