Title / Areas of Expertise
Title / Areas of Expertise
Associate Professor, Environmental Program
Institutional arrangements for community-based resource management, especially as they affect equity and sustainability
Title / Areas of Expertise
Professor of Sustainability Science and Policy, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
Energy and climate change policy, land conservation, watershed planning, environmental public health, theory and practice of ecological economics
Title / Areas of Expertise
Biodiversity conservation, conservation and human livelihoods, environmental economics, behavioral economics, equity and justice, ecosystem services
Title / Areas of Expertise
Associate Professor of Sustainability and Global Equity, Environmental Program
Sustainability values, well-being, learning, policy, diversity, equity, and behavior
Title / Areas of Expertise
Professor of Environmental Thought and Culture, Environmental Program
Environmental thought, cultural theory, global cultural change
Title / Areas of Expertise
Research Associate and Senior Lecturer Victor Izzo
Evolutionary Ecology, Entomology, Sustainable Pest Management, Agroecology
Title / Areas of Expertise
Associate Professor, Information and Instruction Services Department Howe Library
Environmental information literacy, environmental research methods, global information environment, Costa Rica
Title / Areas of Expertise
Professional Academic Advisor
- Natural Areas
- ENVS Writing Workshop
Title / Areas of Expertise
Professor of Agroecology and Environmental Studies, Department of Plant and Soil Science
Agroecology. Participatory Action Research (PAR), agricultural livelihoods, agrifood systems, agricultural resilience, climate change
Title / Areas of Expertise
Co-Director of Environmental Studies and Associate Professor of Geography
Social geography, rural studies, place and identity, working landscapes, nature-culture theory, Vermont
Title / Areas of Expertise
Senior Lecturer, Environmental Program
Community organizing and action-research, environmental and social justice (racism, poverty and militarism), environmental education, ornithology and conservation, environmental journalism, and the public health benefits of nature-watching and birding (psychological ecosystem services)
Title / Areas of Expertise
Associate Professor, Environmental Program
Environmental health, community based research, environmental policy, Natural resources, Arctic environment and health, environmental health social movements, and environmental justice
Title / Areas of Expertise
Co-Director, Senior Lecturer, Environmental Program
Global climate change, climate adaptation, sustainability science, communicating science, ecology, evolutionary biology