Preparation and Planning are Critical to Success
One of the best ways to prepare is to plan, therefore we have developed and maintain a comprehensive all-hazards emergency operations plan for the university. UVM follows the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) framework to verify that we are constantly evaluating, testing, and updating our plans. This process ensures that we are applying best practices and are ready for emerging hazards and threats.
Hazard Analysis
By understanding hazards and risks, we can ensure that we have the necessary plans, training, experience, and equipment to respond effectively. Vermont's most frequent threat is severe weather. UVM is a StormReady® University which means that the National Weather Service has certified our efforts to protect and prepare the campus for severe weather.
Being prepared for any emergency is as simple as planning ahead. Understanding how to keep yourself safe and acquiring basic knowledge and equipment can improve the outcome in an emergency. is an excellent resource to understand how to prepare for various disasters. UVM Emergency Management is a resource for accessing individual preparedness training on campus and provides information during events through our CATAlert System.
UVM Emergency Management is responsible for development and maintenance of the University Emergency Operations Plan. UVM Emergency Management can also facilitate emergency planning and exercise support to include development of event plans, response plans, and other emergency planning needs.