UVM Care Team

The number one priority of the Dean of Students Office is to support a healthy and safe community. Occasionally, members of our community find themselves or others in need of additional help and support. That's when the Care Team comes in.

University of Vermont is committed to fostering an environment in which students can be healthy, engaged, and successful. If you know of a concern that might impede your own ability or the ability of others to be healthy, engaged, and successful, please report your concern using the CARE form, below.

The CARE form can be used to share concerns directly with our Care Team, including issues such as:

  • Academic struggles
  • Academic or work absenteeism
  • Mental and/or physical health problems
  • Family crises and personal challenges
  • Substance use problems or concerns

In the Event of an Emergency:

UVM Police Services: (802) 656-3473
UVM Mental Health Care: (802) 656-3340, Option #2 to reach an on-call counselor.
Mental Health Care: 988 National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Support for Sexual Assault and Partner Violence: Hope Works (802) 863-1236
Dial 911

Resources for Faculty and Staff

Visit UVM's Unified Reporting Portal