Vermont Institute for Government's Citizens Guides:
- How to Find Ancient Roads (opens PDF) - A Research Guide
- Are You Appealing? (opens PDF) - An Introductory Guide to Property Tax Assessment Appeals
- Born to Chair (opens PDF) - An Introduction to the Science and Art Of Chairing a Board Meeting
- Reforming Local Government by Charter (opens PDF)
- Isn't There a Law About That? (opens PDF) - A Guide to Finding Vermont Law
- The Meeting Will Come to Order (opens PDF) - A Voter's Guide to Town Meeting Procedure
- Planning and Zoning (opens PDF) - An Introduction to Planning and Zoning in Vermont
- The Public Right of Way and You (opens PDF) - An Introduction to Vermont Highway Law
- How and Why To Read a Town Report (opens PDF)
- The Law of Trees (opens PDF) - An introduction to Vermont Tree Law
- The Law of Water (opens PDF) - An Introduction to Vermont Water Law
- It's YOUR Turn: A Call to Local Office (opens PDF)
- A Primer on Mediation (opens PDF)