Conflicts of Interest

The University of Vermont is a public institution. As such, we have a responsibility to Vermonters and to the State of Vermont. UVM is committed to ensuring an open and productive environment focusing on fulfilling our mission and being a good steward of our resources. UVM’s Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment and Nepotism Policies and UVM’s disclosure requirements reflect the ever-increasing complexity of our society, our various relations with each other and with outside institutions, and the heightened national and governmental sensitivity to such matters.

All covered persons (faculty, including visiting scientists and visiting scholars, exempt staff, and others identified by the President) must complete an annual conflict of interest disclosure form. Non-covered persons are required to disclose conflicts to their supervisor as they occur. Disclosures, whether made via UVM’s electronic disclosure form or another method, must also be updated during the year whenever interests change.


  • Visiting Scholars, contact the Division of Faculty Affairs (
  • Researchers and anyone working on sponsored research, contact the Office of Research Integrity (
  • All others, contact the chair or director for the department where you will be located to determine the method and frequency of disclosure requirements.