All images appearing on the CDCI website do so with the express permission of their owners via Creative Commons licensing, or they exist in the public domain. If you believe we are using your image without your consent, please contact us.
We remove images immediately upon request of the verified copyright holders, and assume no liability.
Children's Integrated Services (CIS)
- Photo of Man Carrying Newborn Baby, by Laura Garcia at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- Child Touching His Mother Lamb, by Pixabay at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- Child in White Shirt Riding on Red Bicycle, by Karolina Grabowska at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- Question Mark on Chalk Board - Pixabay. (CC BY 3.0)
- With the exception of staff headshots, all other images under commercial license.
- Teacher leading pre-K students in wall art photo by Yan Krukov at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- All cartoons are from the collection "Absurdities and Realities of Special Education" by Michael F. Giangreco and Kevin Ruelle. Licensed via In Copyright - Non-Commercial.
Pediatric Professionals Collaborative of Vermont (PEDSPROVT)
Front page banner:
- "A physician examining her patient" by Los Muertos Crew at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "Woman in white lab coat listening to a girl and writing down notes" by Pavel Danilyuk at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "Three person looking at x-ray result" by EVG Kowalievska at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
Project AWARE
- "Mental health" icon in logo by Gemma Evans, via
- "Person in white shirt with brown frame" by user cottonbro (CC BY 4.0)
- "Family of four walking at the street" by user Emma Bauso (CC BY 4.0)
- "Crop psychologist taking notes during an appointment" by user Shvets Production (CC BY 4.0)
- Banner photo, left, by Rachel Mark for the UVM Tarrant Institute. (CC BY SA NC 4.0)
- Banner photo, right, by Rachel Mark for the UVM Tarrant Institute. (CC BY SA NC 4.0)
Supported Employment
- "Man Giving a Tour of a Brewery" by ELEVATE at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "Man Person Woman Coffee" by Mikhail Nilov at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "Young Girl Using Laptop Inside a Restaurant" by Cliff Booth at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
UVM Autism Collaborative
- "Woman Having Coffee and Using Laptop in Bed" by Vlada Karpovich at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "Photo of a Boy Listening in Headphones" by Jonas Mohamadia at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "Black teacher answering questions of pupil" by Katerina Holmes at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
Vermont Interdisciplinary Team (I-Team)
I-Team Website
- "Boy in Green Shirt" - Pexels user CDC, CC BY 4.0
I-Team Augmented and Alternative Communication (AAC) Group
- "vielleicht auf Menschen zutreffen, die lesen" - Andi Weiland, Creative Commons 3.0
Vermont Continence Project
2022-2023 Events
- "White Toilet Paper Roll on Woven Basket" by Vlada Karpovich at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
VTPBIS Reports
2022 VTPBIS Annual Report
- Page 2: photo courtesy Amy Wheeler-Sutton
- Page 3: photo courtesy Swanton Elementary School
- Page 4: photo courtesy Gertrude Chamberlin School
- Page 7: photos courtesy Swanton Elementary School
- Page 8: photos courtesy Amy Wheeler-Sutton
- Page 9: photo courtesy Amy Wheeler-Sutton
- Page 12: photo courtesy Gertrude Chamberlin School
- Page 14: top photo courtesy the Project AWARE website; bottom right photo courtesy Nicole Rice
- Page 15: photo courtesy the RISE-VT website
- Page 16: photo courtesy Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union
- Pages 18-19: photos courtesy Benson Village School, Pam Arel
- Page 23: photo courtesy Gertrude Chamberlin School
2022 VTPBIS Spring Quarterly Report
- Front cover: photo courtesy JFK.
- Page 2: photo courtesy JFK.
- Page 3: photo by Tim Sanimore, CSD. Used with permission.
- Page 3: Daffodil by Aenne Brielmann, from the Noun Project.
- Page 3: Post-It by LUFTI GANI AL from the Noun Project.
- Page 5: photo courtesy Gertrude Chamberlin School, South Burlington VT.
- Page 5: Post-It by LUFTI GANI AL from the Noun Project.
- Page 6: photo courtesy JFK.
- Page 6: Children by Kevin from the Noun Project.
- Page 6: School by David Khai from the Noun Project.
- Page 7: teaching by Hoeda from the Noun Project.
- Page 8: photo courtesy JFK.
- Page 9: photo courtesy Jericho Elementary School, Jericho VT, and Aimee Randall.
- Page 10: Coach courtesy Craig Keunig from the Noun Project.
- Page 12: Remember by Julynn B from the Noun Project.
- Page 13: Remember by Julynn B from the Noun Project.
- Page 15: photo courtesy Gertrude Chamberlin School
- Page 17: photo courtesy Gertrude Chamberlin School
- Page 18: photo courtesy Guilford Central School, Guildford VT.
- Page 18: Daffodil by Aenne Brielmann, from the Noun Project.
2022 VTPBIS Winter Quarterly Report
- Front cover: photo courtesy Gertrude Chamberlin School, South Burlington VT
- Pages 2, 5, 16, 19: photos courtesy Gertrude Chamberlin School
- Page 3: top photo courtesy Gertrude Chamberlin School; Sherry Schoenberg photo courtesy Sherry Schoenberg, Cassandra Townshend photo courtesy UVM College of Education and Social Services (CESS); Amy Wheeler-Sutton photo courtesy Amy Wheeler-Sutton.
- Page 3: Post-It by LUFTI GANI AL from the Noun Project.
- Page 5: Post-It by LUFTI GANI AL from the Noun Project.
- Page 6: Screen captures courtesy WCAX Channel 3 News.
- Page 6: Vermont by P Thanga Vignesh from the Noun Project.
- Page 6: Children by Kevin from the Noun Project.
- Page 6: School by David Khai from the Noun Project.
- Page 6: Arrow by Danil Polshin from the Noun Project.
- Page 7: teaching by Hoeda from the Noun Project.
- Page 8: Screencap courtesy Amy Wheeler-Sutton.
- Page 8: teaching by Hoeda from the Noun Project.
- Page 9: Photo courtesy Chris Dodge.
- Page 10: Screencap courtesy Amy Wheeler-Sutton.
- Page 11: Photos courtesy the respective persons depicted.
- Page 11: Coach courtesy Craig Keunig from the Noun Project.
- Page 12: Calendar by David Khai from the Noun Project.
- Page 13: Remember by Julynn B from the Noun Project.
- Page 13: Footprint by Ali Koshkun from the Noun Project.
- Page 14: Remember by Julynn B from the Noun Project.
- Page 14: Graph by Cahya Kurniawan from the Noun Project.
- Page 15: Remember by Julynn B from the Noun Project.
- Page 15: Success by Iconathon from the Noun Project.
- Page 16: Screencapture courtesy Amy Wheeler-Sutton.
- Page 18: Photo courtesy Amy Wheeler-Sutton.
- Back cover: Photo courtesy JFK.
2021 VTPBIS Annual Report
- Page 7: Arrow by Danil Polshin from the Noun Project
- Page 7: Vermont by Ted Grajeda from the Noun Project
- Page 8: Arrow by Danil Polshin from the Noun Project
- Page 8: envelope by tracy tam from the Noun Project
- Page 8: Newspaper by Sufirraijal from the Noun Project
- Page 8: Tourist by ProSymbols from the Noun Project
- Page 10: teaching by Hoeda from the Noun Project
- Page 11: group by Eiliricon from the Noun Project
- Page 11: team by Alice Design from the Noun Project
- Page 11: Applause by Alan Davis from the Noun Project
- Page 13: Arrow by Danil Polshin from the Noun Project
- Page 13: Zoom screenshot by the VTPBIS State Team.
- Page 14: Fence by Prasad from the Noun Project. Composite image based off an original image by Craig Froehle.
- Page 14: Interaction Institute for Social Change | Artist: Angus Maguire.
- Page 18: Arrow by Danil Polshin from the Noun Project
- Page 19: Applause by Alan Davis from the Noun Project
- Page 24: Zoom screenshot by VTPBIS State Team
All other images in the report remain the property of their respective copyright holders, and are included in the report under the fair-use doctrine as interpreted by the VTPBIS State Team.
If you have a question about any of these images, or any of the other images used in this report, please contact the BEST team at CDCI.
UVM Center on Disability & Community Inclusion
- "Person Holding Canon Dslr Camera Close-up Photo" by Terje Sollie at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "Person Walking His Dog" by Mart Production at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "Two Women Having Their Hands" by Ekaterina Bolovtsova at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
Accessibility Guide
- "Woman in Pink Sweater Using Laptop" by Andrea Piaquadio at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
Disability Studies
- "Woman Having Coffee and Rice Bowl" by Cliff Booth at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "Woman on Black Folding Wheelchair" by Judita Tamošiūnaitė at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "Man with a Disability Doing Wall Climbing" by ShotPot at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "Portrait of a Smiling Woman" by Anna Shvets at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "Man Person Woman Coffee" by Mikhail Nilov (CC BY 4.0)
- "A Girl Sitting on a Bench" by Rodnae Productions at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "A Father Carrying His Daughter" by Kampus Production at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "Amor Mujer Nina Cama" by Nicola Barts (CC BY 4.0)
- "Photo of a Man in a Gray Shirt Near a Basketball Hoop" by Kampus Production at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- Additonal photos by Ketut Subianto at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "Man in Gray Shirt Holding Up His Cellphone" by cottonbro at Pexels (CC BY 4.0)
- "Disability is an Equity Issue At This Table" by Audrey Homan (CC BY 4.0)