
Tyler Doggett is most interested in ethics, philosophy of mind, early modern philosophy, and metaphysics. He mostly teaches ethics courses, including courses on altruism, food ethics, parenting ethics, and the ethics of killing various things.


“Wanting Things You Don’t Want” (co-written with Andy Egan), Philosophers’ Imprint vol. 7, no. 9

“Why Leibniz Believes Descartes Was Wrong and the Scholastics Were Right,” Philosophical Studies149: 1-18

“The Imagination Box” (co-written with Shen-yi Liao), The Journal of Philosophy 111: 259-275

“Saving the Few,” Nous 47: 302-315

“Killing Innocent People,” Nous 52: 645-666

_Food, Ethics, and Society_ (co-written and co-edited with Anne Barnhill and Mark Budolfson), Oxford University Press


  • Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004


Office Location:

70 South Williams Street, Room 208