Title / Areas of Expertise
Title / Areas of Expertise
Senior Lecturer
Philosophy of Science, Kant
Areas of Specialization: Environmental Ethics, Medical Ethics, Evolutionary theory
Title / Areas of Expertise
Ethics, Chinese Philosophy, Philosophical Psychology, Feminism and the discussion of the interplay between feminism and Confucianism.
Title / Areas of Expertise
Professor; Marsh Chair of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy
Ethics, History of Modern Philosophy, Epistemology
Title / Areas of Expertise
Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language
Title / Areas of Expertise
Title / Areas of Expertise
Associate Professor
Philosophy of Action, Rational Choice Theory, Moral Psychology, Philosophy of the Social Sciences
Title / Areas of Expertise
Associate Professor
Ethics, especially Metaethics, Philosophy of Law, Political Philosophy
Title / Areas of Expertise
Associate Professor
Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language
Title / Areas of Expertise
Associate Professor
Epistemology, Metaethics, and the Philosophy of Mind
Title / Areas of Expertise
Associate Professor
Ancient Greek Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy, Metaphysics
Title / Areas of Expertise
Associate Professor
Epistemology and Philosophy of Language