Type of Degree


School or College

College of Arts and Sciences

Area of Study

Arts, humanities, social sciences

Program Format

On-campus, Full-time

Philosophy is all about the here and now—we help students develop the reasoning and analytical skills necessary to grapple with real-world contemporary problems.

Program Overview

The analytic and critical skills students develop as a result of grappling with philosophical problems are applicable to decisions that must be made in industry, debates on public policy, medical ethics, law, and education. On a more personal level, the study of philosophy can help you understand yourself as a thinking, acting being. Socrates said that “the unexamined life is not worth living.” He meant especially to include self-examination. What beliefs are important to you, and how rationally defensible are those beliefs? What principles do you cite for the actions you perform, and do those principles stand up to scrutiny?

The philosophy major offers multiple options to gain a strong grounding in philosophy. The major requires 30 credits or ten three-credit courses in philosophy. Students must take one course in logic and two courses in history of philosophy; they must also take at least two to three courses at the 3000 level. The philosophy major complements and is often combined with many other majors offered in the College of Arts and Sciences, including psychology, political science, economics, religion, mathematics, and physics.

See Philosophy B.A. Course Catalogue

Beyond the Classroom

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The UVM philosophy department is committed to providing enriching experiences outside the classroom that will challenge students to apply philosophical tools to important questions. Faculty encourage qualified students to pursue year-long College Honors thesis projects or independent study projects.

Students also have opportunities to bring current philosophical questions out of the academy and into the public square. Tyler Doggett, UVM Associate Professor of Philosophy, is the principal organizer of Public Philosophy Week, held each spring. Typically, the event includes at least a dozen discussions, presentations, and readings that apply a philosophical lens to the ethics of food, immigration issues, animal rights, and many other topics.

“We come up with a variety of venues and presenters,” explains Doggett. “We want to make it convenient for people to attend sessions and move the discussion away from the campus and into the community. It's also a great way for students to get involved and present their ideas and research.”


Graduating Philosophy Majors Should Be Able to:

  • Read philosophical writing closely, discerning the structure of philosophical argumentation.
  • Accurately and critically analyze arguments and positions.
  • Write clear and coherent philosophical prose.


  • Advertising & Marketing
  • Business
  • Counseling
  • Education
  • Journalism
  • Law
  • Public Service
  • Social Work
  • Writing

Where Alumni Work

  • Cleveland Clinic (Emergency Services Institute)
  • New York Times (Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist)
  • Independent Filmmaker
  • State of Vermont (Sec. of State)
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (philosophy professor)

Graduate Schools

  • Cornell University
  • Florida State University
  • Harvard Law School
  • Harvard University
  • New York University
  • Rutgers School of Communication and Information
  • University of California, Irvine
  • UVM College of Medicine
  • Virginia Tech