Thomas Visser, Professor of Historic Preservation, has directed the Historic Preservation Program since 1994. He is a tenured member of the UVM History Department and has taught courses in researching historic buildings, architectural conservation, building technology, and other preservation topics at the University of Vermont since 1985.
His award-winning Field Guide to New England Barns and Farm Buildings was published by the University Press of New England. His recent research focuses on the history of porches. His book, Porches of North America, was published by the University Press of New England in 2012. In addition to numerous professional reports and nominations to the National Register of Historic Places, Prof. Visser's articles, reports, and reviews are published in such journals as the Bulletin of the Association for Preservation Technology, Preservation Education & Research, and the New England Quarterly.
Associations and Affiliations
Prof. Visser has served on the Burlington Design Advisory Board and as a Vermont District Environmental Commission member. He also served on the executive committee of the National Council for Preservation Education.
Areas of Expertise and/or Research
architectural conservation; building technology; preservation research; preservation planning, policy and theory
- (802) 656-0577
Wheeler House, Room 204
Fall 2022: Tuesday 11:00 am – 12:00 pm and by appointment