• student

The many diverse plants in the UVM Greenhouse provide a valuable teaching tool for many courses and programs across campus.

Courses that utilize the UVM Greenhouse

  • ARTS 1100: Drawing
  • ALE 1100: Home & Garden Horticulture
  • ALE 1360: Illustrating Botanicals
  • ALE 2120: Weed Ecology & Management
  • ALE 2270: Greenhouse Operations & Management
  • ALE 2380: Commercial Plant Propagation
  • ALE 3680: Soil Ecology
  • BCOR 1400/1450: Exploring Biology
  • BCOR 2100: Ecology & Evolution
  • PBIO 1040: Intro to Botany
  • PBIO 2040: Plant Physiology
  • PBIO 2080: Morph & Evol Vascular Plants
  • PBIO 2090: Systematics & Phylogeny
  • PBIO 2170: Plant Pathology
  • PBIO 2440: Nature-Based Climate Solutions
  • PBIO 2510: Plant Anatomy
  • PBIO 3090: Biology of Ferns
  • PBIO 3410: Tropical Plant Systematics


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Interested in utilizing the Greenhouse for your course at UVM? 

Contact us at greenhouses@uvm.edu