Type of Degree

Undergraduate Minor

School or College

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Program Format

On-campus, Full-time

Program Overview

Our increasingly global society creates opportunity for the spread of both intentional and unintentional threats to food and agriculture. To protect the food system from harm, agrosecurity, biosecurity, and cybersecurity need to work hand in hand. Put in positive terms, biosecurity is the opposite of bioterrorism and not only includes the study of threats, but the systems necessary to prevent those threats or reinforce resiliency to those threats. 

This minor allows students to formalize a grouping of courses from social science and agriculture to STEM disciplines with a focus area on biosecurity. Topics include bioterror threats, prevention, and resilience in our lived, built, and natural environments.

This minor requires 17 credits from departments across the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) including Microbiology and Molecular Genetics (MMG), Animal Science (ASCI), Community Development & Applied Economics (CDAE), Nutrition and Food Science (NFS), and Food Systems (FS).


View in the Biosecurity minor requirements in the UVM catalogue.


Students interested in pursuing upper-level electives for this minor, please be aware that some have prerequisites not included in the minor course of study.

More Information

Please contact the Department of Community Development and Applied Economics' Student Success Team with questions. An advisor can review the Biosecurity Minor program requirements with you and answer your questions.

The Community Development and Applied Economics' Student Success Team
205 Morrill Hall