MARCH 2020
The UVM Staff Council serves as an advocate for staff by seeking out and responding to their ideas and concerns, representing them to the University administration, and keeping staff informed of University initiatives.

Staff Council monthly meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month from 12:05-1:30 in Memorial Lounge (Waterman 338). Upcoming meetings:
  • March 3rd
  • April 7th
  • May 5th
  • June 2nd
All UVM community members are welcome to attend.

To review past meeting minutes, please visit our website.

My plan to advance UVM in the coming years has three parts: fulfilling UVM’s land grant mission, focusing our research efforts so the university is known for distinctive excellence, and prioritizing student success.

Staff are crucial to the realization of all aspects of this plan. Our staff support and strengthen research, they facilitate teaching, and they enhance the university’s engagement efforts. Indeed, staff have been key to my own achievement in my academic journey and in my administrative roles. And as the father of two children at college, I know from personal experience the essential role staff play in student success.

Just as staff are vital to all aspects of the university, so too, is it critical for the university to support staff. It is incumbent upon us to recognize, value, and validate our staff by doing all we can to establish and sustain an atmosphere of respect. This includes continuing our efforts to embrace diversity of all kinds and provide opportunities for ongoing education.

With the university supporting our employees, and with our employees—faculty and staff—pointed in the direction of helping our students graduate from UVM as well-rounded citizens with a clear path to a fulfilling life, I’m absolutely confident in our success.

I look forward to working closely with you in the coming years. Thank you.
We will soon release the Staff Council Survey!

This survey will be a little different from past Staff Council surveys. Designed with invaluable feedback from the Staff Council Survey Committee, the Office of Institutional Research (OIR), and many staff and administrators, it has been significantly improved. In particular, many types of data we historically gathered in Staff Council surveys are now available to us from the Campus Climate survey, so our survey has become shorter and more streamlined.

To ensure our data is statistically valid and actionable, we’ve worked with the OIR to plan the distribution. The survey will go out to 1000 randomly selected staff, which is 50% of the total non-represented staff. We’ll continue to work with OIR to process the data and communicate the results, share our action plans, and provide periodic updates on our progress.

If you are selected for the survey, please do your very best to complete it. If you are not selected, we still welcome and value your feedback – as always, you can reach out to the Staff Council office any time: * 656-4493 * 313 Waterman
The Staff Council Professional Development Fund Committee is pleased to announce the five awardees for the third quarter:
  • Tiffany Stewart - Sponsored Project Administration
  • Nadeje Alexandre - Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources
  • Suzanne Bodette - Extension
  • Elizabeth Dunbar - College of Arts & Sciences
  • Shelby Hinkle-Smith - Athletics
Choosing funding recipients from a very strong and varied group of 28 applicants was a difficult task, and limited funding meant the Committee was unable to award every applicant. Applicants are encouraged to apply again in future open application periods. The next open period runs from March 1 - April 30th.

Information and updated applications are available on our website or through the direct links below:
Keep an eye out for upcoming important emails regarding the Annual Staff Council Representative Elections and the Officer Elections, both of which are coming up this spring.

Are you considering becoming an officer or representative? Learn more here.

As always, feel free to reach out to the Staff Council office with any questions at or (802) 656-4493.
On February 4th, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held to unveil two new Mamava nursing parent pods which the University has acquired with the help of Staff Council and many advocates across campus. WCAX was there to spread the good news - check out the video!

One Mamava pod has been installed outside of the southeast entrance to the Patrick Gym, and the other pod is on the 4th Floor of Discovery Hall.

The annual Staff Council Skate Night is set for Friday March 6th from 6:00-8:00 PM on the Gutterson Ice Rink!

This event is free to all but you do need to bring your own skates. DJ Dakota will be entertaining, and Staff Council will be serving hot cider and cookies. Students, faculty, staff, friends and family are all welcome!

Contact us (email link) with any questions.

Staff Council is pleased to offer discounted tickets to Matilda: The Musical!

Matilda is the story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind dares to take a stand and change her own destiny.

WHEN: Sunday April 5th at 1:00 PM
WHERE: Lyric Theatre
COST: $27/ticket for UVM staff, faculty, retirees, and Foundation employees
PAYMENT: Reserve tickets and ensure payments are received by the Staff Council Office by Friday March 20th.
Learn how to create a Chinese feast with chef Jim as he navigates you through some unusual ingredients you may have seen at your local Asian food store. We will be preparing dishes such as Li Fun Noodles, Mock Eel, classic Potstickers from scratch, and more. After cooking, we will all sit down together and enjoy the fruits of our labors and make new friends over a truly fantastic Chinese Feast!

WHEN: Thursday April 30th from 5:00 to 7:30~8:30 PM (depending on dining and cleanup time)
WHERE: Marsh Life Building, Carrigan Wing: Nutrition Science 259B.
COST: $30 for UVM/Foundation Staff or Staff Retirees; $35 for non-UVM guest (limit one per UVM affiliate)
PAYMENT: You must register AND ensure payment is made to the Staff Council Office (313 Waterman) by Wednesday April 1st.
The UVM Staff Council Social Committee is pleased to offer a trip by coach to Boston to see the Red Sox play the Texas Rangers.

WHEN: Saturday May 2nd, game @ 1 PM

PRICE: $100 for UVM affiliates (UVM/Foundation Staff, Faculty, or Retirees), $105 for non-UVM affiliates. Price includes round-trip bus journey, light snacks on the bus, and game tickets (Grandstand Section 4, rows 6-13).

PICKUP LOCATIONS and TIMES: The bus will leave from Given on the UVM campus at 7 AM, make pickups at Waterbury and White River Junction, and arrive in Boston at around 11:00 AM. It will depart Fenway Park between 5-6 PM, ultimately arriving back at Given around 9-10 PM.

Registration and payment must be made by Monday March 9th.
The Vermont Corporate Cup Challenge and State Agency Race is a 5 kilometer team running/walking event open to businesses, government and non-profit organizations in Vermont.

When: May 7th, 2020 at 6:00 PM
Where: Montpelier, VT

How to Sign Up: If you already have a 3-person team made up of UVM employees, register your team with VCCCSAR before registering with Staff Council.

If you DO NOT already have a 3-person team, register with Staff Council and we'll help you form a team.

Please try to register with Staff Council by Thursday March 26th so we can guarantee your team racing shirts in your preferred sizes.

The Staff Council Social Committee is pleased to announce that the annual Lake Monsters UVM BBQ Night will be on Sunday June 28th!

Tickets will include grandstand seating, cheeseburger, hot dog, chips, cookie, and soft drink.

Prices will be identical to 2019 prices:

UVM & Foundation - $14
Seniors & Retirees - $10
Kids - $8

Keep an eye on Staffline - we'll open up ticket sales in late spring.

Last month, we asked to hear from work groups who collected items or money for local charitable causes. The Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) at the Robert Larner M.D. College of Medicine responded - they participated in a holiday toy, gift card, personal care item, and housewares collection in support of Vermont’s Committee on Temporary Shelter (COTS). They were able to deliver $500 in monetary donations, $265 in gift/gas/grocery cards, 32 toys, and a wide variety of household items and warm clothing to COTS. Congratulations to ODI, and thank you for your generosity and service to the local community!

If your work group did such an activity, please share it with us (email link) so we can share it with others!

This initiative was created by the Staff Council Community Engagement Committee.

The Staff Council Office would like to compile a handy list of on-campus notary publics who are willing/able to perform occasional notary services for their fellow staff.

If you are a notary public and you'd like to be listed as a resource on our website,
let us know by writing us (email link) with your department, location, and direct phone number.

Many thanks!

Registration is now open for the The Blackboard Jungle Symposium (BBJ).

BBJ is designed for UVM faculty, staff, and all others wanting to participate in critical conversations, construct new and promising inclusive practices, and foster conversational spaces where diversity, equity, and the free exchange of ideas are welcomed, appreciated, and valued. BBJ is a collaborative opportunity to engage in an open, civil exchange of ideas, perspectives, and beliefs that will cultivate greater inclusivity of diverse populations and increase cultural understanding within communities.

Keynote speakers at Blackboard Jungle 13 (taking place on March 26 & 27) will include Nikole Hannah-Jones, Dr. Eddie Glaude, Jr., and Judy Shepard. More information about the keynote speakers and the symposium is available here.
The UVM Wellness Environment invites the entire UVM & Vermont community to the 5th Annual UVM WE 4.20 5K for Wellness. It’s a family friendly, walk/run, we invite all to join (yes, you can bring your dog!)

The event is free and includes a free race shirt (first 1,000 registrants) and all participants receive a free food from local food trucks! Come join us to celebrate wellness games, raffles (and those free food trucks) & more.

WHEN: Monday April 20th @ 4:20pm
EDU@UVM: Thriving in Change

EDU@UVM is an annual learning event that brings colleagues together from across campus to share knowledge and cultivate skills that will positively impact our work life. Presented by the department of Professional Development & Training, EDU@UVM offers many workshops and presentations thanks to the expertise and generosity of volunteer presenters, including staff, faculty and community members.
When: March 11, 2020

  • 2020 Keynote Speaker Phelan Fretz, Executive Director, ECHO Science Center.
  • Introductory remarks by UVM President Garimella and Dr. Wanda Heading-Grant, Vice President of Human Resources, Diversity and Multicultural Affairs.
  • Keynote Breakfast
  • 17 Workshops
  • Lunch Provided
Advanced registration required for keynote, workshops and lunch.
Register through PeopleSoft. Registration closes March 6, 2020.
The Prism Center is hosting the 20th anniversary of Rainbow Graduation & Awards, a ceremony that happens each spring, to celebrate LGBTQIA2S+ graduates and awardees at the University of Vermont. This year's theme is "Blooming from Concrete," which stems from honoring the brilliance and resilience of UVM's LGBTQIA2S+ students.

When: Thursday April 30th 4:30-6:30 PM
Where: Grand Maple Ballroom
On April 3rd from 5:30-7:30, please join us at the home of one of our colleagues for food, fun, and community.

All UVM, College of Medicine and Health Network LGBTQA+ faculty and staff are invited. Partners, children, & significant others welcome!

Email for location details and the potluck sign-up sheet.

BUILDING A BETTER ACTIVIST: Social Change Education for the Activist in You

Hear from writer and scholar, Dr. DaMaris Hill, as she addresses the different ways be be an activist, drawing upon examples from her critically acclaimed work, A Bound Woman is a Dangerous Thing. Building a Better Activist is an opportunity to develop and deepen insights, passion, tools, and connections to create an inclusive, equitable society.

When: Wednesday March 4th, 7–9 PM
Where: Grand Maple Ballroom, Davis Center

For more information, visit:

You’ve probably heard of Wellness Ambassadors but did you know there are Sustainability Ambassadors at UVM, too? Check to see if your unit has one and learn how to use them as a resource, or how to get involved if your unit isn’t represented yet!

Wednesday March 18th is the UVM Bookstore's 2nd Annual INDOOR Patio Sale! Visit us in the Davis Center Olin Atrium (across from Cat Pause) from 9 AM to 3 PM to find UVM t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, and so much more, all at bargain prices!

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