GEOL 235 - Geochemistry of Natural Waters
Click HERE for a copy of the syllabus
The 2008 State of the Lake report may be accessed HERE.
A one-page summary of the nutrient levels in Lake Champlain,
their sources, amd the effects those nutrients have on the Lake as a
system is due on Tuesday, September 6.
Lecture on Water Chemistry Analytical Techniques
Lecture on Statistics, Calculus review
Homework 3 can be found HERE, instructions are at the top - due Tuesday September 20 - please send as excel file with format: lastname_homework3.xls
Lecture on Thermodynamics of mineral-water solubility and activity
Homework 4 can be found HERE
- please write these calculations NEATLY and completely (partial
credit!!) on paper and turn in at the start of class Thursday,
September 29th.
Lecture on acid-base geochemistry and carbonate equilibrium
Homework 5 can be found HERE - please write these calculations NEATLY and completely (partial
credit!!) on paper, printo out your excel graphs, and turn in at the start of class Thursday, October 6th.
Lecture on Redox Geochemistry
Homework 6 can be found HERE - please write these calculations NEATLY and completely (partial
credit!!) on paper, and turn in at the start of class Thursday, October 13th.
Lecture on solid state geochemistry
Homework 7 can be found HERE
- please fill all data in on the excel worksheet pages and write out a
summary (question 4) into a word document that references all data
(include copied figures and summary tables) and summarizes the role and
potential reactivity of Fe(OH)s in Lake Champlain sediments and
Lecture on Sorption
Homework 8 can be found HERE - Also click HERE for the excel datasheet with the fitting exercise for question 1 and the tabulated data for question 2.
Courtney's phytate desorption and analysis presentation
Lecture on gas equilibrium and diffusion
Homework 9 can be found HERE
- please write these calculations out neatly and completely, include a
plot of the spatial data in problem 3 and turn in at the end of class
on Tuesday, November 29th.
A summary of the final paper expectations and a colection of tables and figures for use in putting it together