Graduate Research Fellowship Past Awardees

Past Awardees

StudentDegree ProgramDepartmentProject Title
Kameron BielawskiPhDComputer ScienceHierarchically Structured Swarms for Exploration
Vivia FastiggiPhDCellular, Molecular, & Biomedical SciencesTargeting Broncial Smooth Muscle Hyperreactivity through Therapeutic Ketosis
Jacob Friz-TrilloMSElectrical & Biomedical EngineeringDecentralized Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems for Collaborative SLAM
Sophie GessmanMSMechanical EngineeringEffects of Humidity, Temperature, and Materials on Dust Mitigation in Space Habitats
Benjamin HowePhDPhysicsMetal-Halide Perovskite Response to Radiation and Temperature Cycling
Jeremy QuailPhDMathematicsGraph Theoretic Tools for Space Networks
Alaina RobertsPhDCivil & Environmental EngineeringReal-time Fatigue Localization in Metallic Structures for Improving Structural Safety
Marit ScottMSElectrical & Biomedical EngineeringQuantitative MRI measures of tibiofemoral cartilage strain and composition
to inform joint degeneration countermeasures in microgravity
StudentDegree ProgramDepartmentProject Title
Jack Boynton Computer ScienceRectification and Tie-Point Matching between Ground Photo Images and Satellite Images
William HarveyMSMechanical EngineeringThe Overpressurization and Surface Contamination of On-Demand Pressure Systems
Jonathan KerivanMSMechanical EngineeringDynamic Modeling, Fault Detection, and Fault Identification of Resistojet Thrusters
Peyton LienhartMSCivil & Environmental EngineeringMethane consumption and nitrous oxide production by microbial communities in landfill-intermediate cover soils
Hunter RehmPhDMathematics & StatisticsApplications of Centrality Measures
Matthew Reuter   
Alaina RobertsPhDCivil & Environmental EngineeringImproving Structural Safety with Real-time Metallic Fatigue Monitoring & Prediction
StudentDegree ProgramDepartmentProject Title
Steven DannenbergPhDChemistryPhosphorous-Containing Small Molecules and Materials for Aerospace Systems
Samantha FoxPhDElectrical & Biomedical EngineeringThe Skywalker: A New Hope for Reducing Muscle Atrophy in Astronauts
Caitlin GrassoMSComputer ScienceXenobots in Space
Matthew ReuterPhDChemistryHeterdehydrocoupling as a Route for Synthesizing Main-Group Silicon-Element Bonds
Alaina RobertsPhDCivil & Environmental EngineeringStructural Fatigue Monitoring, Modeling and Prediction
Leslie SepaniacPhDMolecular Physiology & BiophysicsMicronucleus envelope rupture, and impact to genomic stability
Scott VansonPhDMicrobiology & Molecular GeneticsStructural Investigation of Polymerase θ Helicase-like Domain
Robert Worley, IIPhDCivil & Environmental EngineeringInvestigation into microbial alteration of extraterrestrial regolith simulants for cementation and induced cohesive in support of NASA's in-situ resource utilization efforts

StudentDegree ProgramDepartmentProject Title
Steven DannenbergMSChemistryCatalytic Synthesis of Phosphorous Containing Small Molecule, Polymeric and Pre-Ceramic Materials for use in Aerospace Systems
Reed GurchiekPhDMechanical EngineeringHybrid machine learning and physics-based estimation of human joint mechanics for remote monitoring
Blake HewgillMSElectrical & Biomedical EngineeringWearable Integrated Health Monitoring
Timothy LaracyMSElectrical & Biomedical EngineeringDesign of a Compact Interrogation System for Frequency Doubling Reflectennas
Samuel LigonMSMechanical EngineeringCavitating Venturi for Passive Flow Control in Micropropulsion Systems
Daniel OrfeoPhDMechanical EngineeringQuantum OAM-Enhanced Radar and Microwave Communications
Joshua PowersPhDComputer ScienceAdvanced exploration of extraterrestrial objects through shape-changing robots
Drue SeksinskyMSMechanical EngineeringModeling Heat Transfer and Solidification in Melted Volcanic Ash Particle Collisions with Gas Turbine Engine Surfaces
Leslie SepaniacPhDMolecular Physiology & BiophysicsDetermining how micronuclei impact genomic stability
Robert Worley, IIPhDCivil & Environmental EngineeringInvestigation into hydrated, frozen and cemented soils in support of NASA’s in-situ resource utilization efforts

StudentDegree ProgramDepartmentProject Title
Adele CondeMSGeologyApatite Dissolution at the Nanoscale
Thomas HeffernanMSMechanical EngineeringThermal Activation of CBA-Based CubeSat Propellants Usinf RF Heating of Embedded Metallic Nano-Particles
David HinckleyPhDMechanical EngineeringMulti-Objective Trajectory Optimization for Small-Body Mapping Problem
Timothy OlszanskiMSPhysicsInvestigating the Dynamics of Polar-cap Heating and Pair Plasma Generation in Pulsar B0823+26 Using NASA's NICER X-ray Observatory and Arecibo Observatory
Daniel OrfeoPhDMechanical EngineeringOrbital Angular Momentum of Radio Waves for Microwave Remote Sensing
Jason PearlPhDMechanical EngineeringHigher Order Numerical Schemes for Simulation of Irregular Fields
Leslie SepaniacPhDMolecular Physiology & BiophysicsMechanisms of Micronuclear Rupture
Robert Worley, IIMSCivil & EnvironmentalInvestigation into hydrated, frozen and cemented soils in support of NASA's in-situ resource utilization efforts

StudentDegree ProgramDepartmentProject Title
Brandon AckleyPhDChemistryPolymer Precursors for Ceramics in 3-D Printing
Brittany CarrollPhDCellular, Molecular & Biomedical SciencesA structural look at an enzyme that protects DNA from ionizing radiation damage
Malayika CincottaMSGeologySoil Aggregates: What role do they play in the generation of dissolved organic carbon?
Robert Farrell MSMechanical EngineeringTraction and sinkage on rotating wheelson Martian soil simulant
David HinckleyPhDMechanical EngineeringSatellite Formation Optimization for Imaging and Sensing Applications about Small Celestial Bodies
Allison HrycikPhDBiologyCombining satellite and in situ measurements to understand winter severity andsummer algal blooms
Jimmy JamisonMSElectrical EngineeringMeasurement, modeling and mitigation of wireless channels within and about a spacecraft
Jason PearlPhDMechanical EngineeringHybrid gravity models for asteroids with heterogeneous density distributions
Leslie SepaniacPhDMolecular Physiology & BiophysicsDifferent Mechanisms of Micronucleus Formation and Impact to Genomic Stability

StudentDegree ProgramDepartmentProject Title
Cory ArcovitchMSMechanical EngineeringThermoelectric Performance of Stretchable Nanowire-based Composite Materials
Brittany L. CarrollPhDMicrobiology and Molecular Genetics, College of MedineA Structural Look at an Enzyme that Protects DNA from ionizing Radiation Damage
Taylor DucharmeMSMechanical EngineeringBubble Nucleation and Growth Behaviors in an Outer Space Environment
Christopher FarnsworthMSComputer Software EngineeringLunar IceCube Flight Software
David HinckleyPhDMechanical EngineeringOptimization Strategy Development for the Irregular Small Body Touring Problem
Andrew LombardoPhDMolecular Physiology & Biophysics, College of MedinePhysical Challenges to Molecular Motor Cargo Transport
Ada MorsePhDMathematics & StatisticsGraph-Theoretical Design Strategies for Self-Assembly
Laura ObregonPhDCivil Engineering"Generating and measuring prescribed level of cohesion in soil simulants in support of NASA’s terramechanics research "
Jason PearlPhDMechanical EngineeringTransient Analysis of the Conjugate Heat Transfer in Supersonic Micronozzles with Aerospike Geometrics for Small Satellite Propulsion and Control
Andrew ReaganPhDMathematics & StatisticsQuantifying Climate Change Impacts on Temperature Extremes
Stephanie WoodMSMechanical EngineeringGravitational Modeling of Near-Earth Contact Binaries