Supervisors and Managers
- Identify job classifications and tasks that require hazards assessment.
- Assess hazards in consultation with RMS/TCO. Document hazards assessments and maintain records.
- Ensure employees receive training in proper use, storage, limitations, and maintenance of PPE and maintain documentation of personnel trained.
- Ensure PPE is provided to employees as appropriate and that PPE is free from defect.
- Ensure required PPE is being properly used by affected employees and students when and where hazards exist in workplaces for which they are responsible.
- Review tasks as hazards change or at least every 3 years.
Individual Employees, Students, and other Affiliated Personnel (Workers)
- Inform supervisors of hazards encountered on the job, or in the lab, shop, field, or other area.
- Wear PPE when appropriate and/or at the direction of a supervisor. Inspect PPE prior to use and replace as necessary.
- Clean, maintain, and appropriately store PPE according to manufacturer’s recommendations or best industry practice.
- Do not re-use PPE that is designed for 1-time use (disposable).
- Immediately notify supervisor of damaged or defective PPE, new hazards, physical changes, or other conditions where PPE does not offer adequate protection for the hazard.
Academic courses which include laboratory, shop, or field work are required to indicate hazards and controls, including required PPE. The sponsoring college or department may provide this PPE from operating funds or student fees, or require students to obtain the specified PPE. Common communal PPE such as thermal protection, welding aprons, face shields, etc., will be provided by the sponsoring department. The instructor of record for a course, or designee, is responsible for ensuring that students are familiar with and properly using required protective devices
Risk Management & Safety (RMS) and PPD Training &. Compliance Office (TCO)
- RMS communicates the requirements and resources of this policy to departments and campus community.
- TCO consults with departments/units to identify and assess risks associated with asbestos, lead, and silica as these relate to facilities.
- RMS consults with departments/units regarding other risks.
- RMS recommends PPE to supervisors in departments/units across campus. TCO recommends PPE to supervisors in the Physical Plant Department
- Provide general training in use, maintenance, and limitations of PPE.
All individuals shall report unsafe conditions, accidents, and chemical spills or exposures to their supervisor, RMS, and/or the Ethics and Compliance Reporting and Help Line . The University prohibits retaliation for good faith reporting of safety issues. Procedures devised for handling hazardous situations and materials shall be followed conscientiously and any member of the campus community shall feel authorized to stop work if they believe that continuation of the work poses an imminent danger to their safety or health or that of people in the vicinity.