Funding Opportunities

Graduate students in the MLS program have secured funding to offset tuition costs in a variety of ways.  Generally funding has come in the form of these five categories:


The MLS Program offers the following scholarship/funding opportunities:

Our students have also received many external scholarship/fellowships including the Ashoka Fellowship, Robert Fullwood Johnson Foundation Fellowship, Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility.  A compiled list of relevant external scholarships/fellowships can be found here.

Direct Project Funding


Some MLS students have applied for grants, private gifts, and even crowd-sourced support to support their Masters Project (which also benefits their organization/community).  Some of this funding has supported travel and direct costs of project work, while other funding has supported students’ time and even tuition costs.  In some cases, students have used their project to do significant fundraising for their own home community/organization.

Project Fellowships

In the future, the MLS program will be soliciting projects from community organizations from across the country.  Students will be able to apply for specific project fellowships that involve working on specific initiatives in partnership with the community-based organization. 

Organizational Support

Many MLS students receive financial support from their home organization that can include tuition remission and other direct costs.  Many organizations recognize that this 2-year program will directly benefit the organization.  Some students have also designed projects that have led to partnerships with organizations who are willing to fund students for the completion of their Masters project.

Financial Aid

UVM’s Student Financial Services Center provides support to graduate students to explore traditional financial aid opportunities (in the form of loans, work study, etc.)

Work income

Unlike residential programs that are intended for full-time students who must give up their professional employment, the MLS Program is designed as a “low-residency” program that can be completed while students work full-time.  The low-residency model allows us to offer a reduced tuition rate.  Some MLS students are able to contribute to their tuition costs through income from their professional employment.