The James M. Jeffords Fund was established to support activities and projects that reflect one or more of the following areas of interest to Senator Jeffords: education, agriculture, environment, public works, and government. The intention of this grant program is to support efforts related to and advancing public policy and policy studies in these areas, with a preference for projects with broad impact, but also a clear immediate or future potential impact on Vermont/Vermont policy. Activities and projects may include (but are not limited to) lectures, debates, symposia, visiting professors, distinguished speakers, faculty time and research-related support, student support, and outreach efforts to the state. Up to $20,000 will be awarded annually and it is expected that multiple projects will be funded each year. An advisory committee will be appointed to advise the Provost on the selection of grant recipients.
An annual call for proposals will be issued early in the spring semester, with a March due date. Funding decisions will be announced in mid-April. The call is for projects that will begin in the following fiscal year.