James Jeffords Grants

The James M. Jeffords Fund was established to support activities and projects that reflect one or more of the following areas of interest to Senator Jeffords: education, agriculture, environment, public works, and government.

The intention of this grant program is to support efforts related to and advancing public policy and policy studies in these areas, with a preference for projects with broad impact, but also a clear immediate or future potential impact on Vermont/Vermont policy. Activities and projects may include (but are not limited to) lectures, debates, symposia, visiting professors, distinguished speakers, faculty time and research-related support, student support, and outreach efforts to the state. Up to $20,000 will be awarded annually and it is expected that multiple projects will be funded each year. An advisory committee will be appointed to advise the Provost on the selection of grant recipients.

An annual call for proposals will be issued early in the spring semester, with a March due date. Funding decisions will be announced in mid-April. The call is for projects that will begin in the following fiscal year.

We are exploring ways in which the Jeffords Grant Program can further the Senator’s areas of interest, promote interdisciplinarity, and support the university’s planetary health initiative. The next call for proposals will be in academic year 2024-25.


All salaried University of Vermont faculty are eligible to apply; faculty members may only participate in one proposal per year.

Faculty members must secure a commitment for any necessary Jeffords-grant-related administrative support from their college/school before submitting a proposal.


The project description should contain the following elements:

  • Project plan
  • Project timeline
  • Expected outcomes or deliverables
  • The date a brief final report will be submitted
  • An itemized budget, noting the fiscal year (beginning no earlier than July 1 of the following fiscal year) in which expenses will occur
Important Proposal Notes and Requirements
  • If the project budget includes salary, it must also include fringe benefit expenses.
  • If the proposal’s objective is to bring guests to the University, it must identify the department and individual that will host the visit and support all related logistics.
  • When appropriate, successful proposals will demonstrate the potential for leveraging other funds.
  • Whether stand-alone or part of a larger on-going project, proposals should reflect a discreet activity with clearly stated objectives and outcomes that can be accomplished within the defined timeline.
  • If the proposed activity includes an entity external to the University, the proposal should describe the collaboration and include an indication of the partner’s willing engagement.
  • When appropriate, faculty members are responsible for meeting all human and animal research requirements.
Submission Instructions
  • Proposal format: two-page narrative, one-page budget, and up to a two-page bio sketch relative to the proposal must be submitted as a SINGLE  document with 1” margins and 11-point font.
  • Applications should be submitted to Patricia Prelock, Provost and Senior Vice President, care of Kerry.Castano@uvm.edu; note “Jeffords Grant Proposal” in the subject line of the transmitting e-mail.
Jeffords Grant Recipients and Final Project Reports



  • Food Security within Immigrant and Refugee Populations in Vermont, Pablo Bose, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Teresa Mares, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology



  • REJOICE: Collaborative Environmental Justice Policymaking in Vermont (PDF), Ingrid L. Nelson, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, College of Arts and Sciences and Bindu Panikkar, Assistant Professor, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
  • Leadership for the ECOZOIC – L4E Policy Lab (project in progress), Jon D. Erickson, Blittersdorf Professor of Sustainability Science and Policy, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources and Matthew J. Burke, Post-Doctoral Associate, Gund Institute for Environment



  • Tammy Kolbe, Assistant Professor, Department of Leadership and Development Sciences (report not submitted)
  • Linking Forest Science to Policy (PDF) Jennifer Pontius, Research Assistant Professor, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, James Duncan, Researcher/Analyst, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, Alexandra Kosiba, Research Specialist, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, Mike Finnegan, Research Specialist, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources

