Dr. Stephanie Kaza - Professor Emerita of Environmental Sciences and Director of the Environmental Program

Dr. Stephanie Kaza is Professor Emerita of Environmental Studies in the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont and Director of the Environmental Program. Her courses include Unlearning Consumerism; Religion and Ecology; Women, Health, and Environment; and other values-based courses. She co-founded the Environmental Council at University of Vermont, a campus-wide consortium on sustainability, and is the faculty director for the UVM Sustainability Faculty Fellows program. She advised graduate and undergraduate research on sustainability related topics and is currently working on quality of life indicators for bicycle commuters.

Dr. Kaza is the 2011 winner of the UVM George V. Kidder Outstanding Faculty Award for excellence in teaching. Her books include Mindfully Green (2008), Hooked! Buddhist Writings on Greed, Desire, and the Urge to Consume (2005), Dharma Rain: Sources for Buddhist Environmentalism (2000, co-edited with Kenneth Kraft), and The Attentive Heart: Conversations with Trees (1993). She serves on the Executive Councils of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences and the Council of Environmental Deans and Directors and is vice-president of the UVM Faculty Senate.