What else do I need to know?
Accreditation: a system for recognizing educational institutions for a level of performance, integrity and quality that entitles them to the confidence of the educational community and the public they serve. Recognition is extended either by a system of nongovernmental voluntary institutional or professional association or by a governmental board or agency.
College: degree granting post-secondary school offering formal educational instruction.
Content: information contained or covered within a specific course, period of instruction or period of directed self-study.
Course: a structured supervised learning situation under the sponsorship of a recognized educational institution. Examples of supervised learning situations that are considered to be courses are lectures, laboratories, studio studies, performance studies, independent studies, guided readings and research and internships.
Credit: official recording of the work of a student in a particular course of study, used herein to indicate only post-secondary school learning.
Credit-by-Examination: earning degree credit for a body of knowledge in an existing college course by taking a comprehensive examination without experiencing the classroom instruction.
Early Autumn Semester: slightly shorter than the standard 15 week semester. Still utilizes the semester credit hour system.
Education: learning produced by instruction or guided study entailing, in part, theory and history of the subject being taught.
Equity: the type and nature of course presented for transfer must be comparable to the type and nature of courses offered for credit at the University of Vermont. Intensity of instruction must be comparable for credits to transfer at par.
Formal recognition: acknowledgement by public voluntary educational standards boards or governmental agencies of a level of educational performance, quality and integrity which entitles the institution in question to a confidence expressed by the educational community accreditation.
Institution: educational organization sponsoring post-secondary education.
Intensity: depth and breadth of the subject covered within a given time period.
Nature: type, kind, or unique direction or purpose of particular education for instruction.
Physical Education Activities: physical endeavors under the guidance of one trained in a particular physical skill or sport aimed at improving physical health and performance in the particular skill area. The instructor must be on the faculty of an accredited college or university.
Resident credit: credits earned through study at the home college or university, herein, the University of Vermont.
Transcript: formal printed record of a student’s learning issued by the teaching or sponsoring institution including subjects studies, level of achievement reached, time and duration of learning.
University: a post-secondary educational institution of the highest level, comprised of more than one college and authorized to grant both undergraduate and graduate degrees.
University of Vermont: the divisions and colleges comprising the undergraduate degree environment of the total institution. (Does not include any courses or programs ineligible for degree credit.)
Transfer Process
- The Office of Transfer Affairs, a division of the Registrar, evaluates all undergraduate, post-secondary school education presented from outside the University of Vermont for acceptance to the University. There is no guaranteed pre-approval of transfer credit.
- The Academic Advisor for a student determines the appropriateness and applicability of accepted courses to a specific degree program. The Dean of the College or School has the ultimate approval of applicability toward the degree requirements
Required Documentation for Transfer Credit Conversion
- All course work presented for transfer must appear on an official transcript sent directly from the original teaching institution to the office of the Registrar at the University of Vermont.
- Copies, facsimiles or student carried transcripts will not be accepted.
- Students may be asked to submit additional course materials, beyond a course syllabus, in order to determine the comparability of the course to a course offered at the University of Vermont.
- All foreign transcripts, not issued in English, must have an accompanying translation certified by the original transcribing institution, the governmental education agency of the host country, the American Embassy of the host country or a professional translation service approved by the University of Vermont.
- Foreign institutions that provide only one original document certifying attendance, course of instruction, and achievement should be asked to mail the certifying documents directly to the University of Vermont. The originals will be retained until credit transfer has been completed. Certified copies will be retained for the student’s record, and the originals will be returned to the student.
Factors Which Determine the Acceptability of Transfer Credit
Factor 1: The educational institution from which course work is being considered for transfer credit must be accredited by a regional, professional or national institutional accrediting body.
United States:
- Accrediting bodies must be recognized by the American Council on Education in consultation with the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
- Course work from institutions which have only candidacy status with a Regional Accreditation Body and carry no other acceptable form of accreditation, will not be acceptable for transfer.
- The review by Professional Accreditation Bodies extends to courses taught in the discipline of the professional accreditation.
- The following are National Institutional Accrediting Bodies recognized by the University of Vermont:
- Accrediting Commission for Career Schools and Colleges of Technology
- Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools
- Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education
- American Chemical Society
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- American Psychological Association
- AACSB International — The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business
- American Bar Association, Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar
- Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Programs
- Council on Social Work Education
- Vermont Department of Education
- Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
- Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs
- National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
- ABET - Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc.
- National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science
- Joint Review Committee on Education Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology
- American Dental Association
- National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, Inc.
- American Physical Therapy Association
- Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education
- Education in a foreign country provided by an accredited American college or university is governed by the American school’s accreditation.
- The Foreign government or state governmental agency of a foreign country must formally recognize an educational institution as offering post-secondary school instruction leading toward a degree or diploma comparable to that offered at the University of Vermont.
- Education in a foreign country sponsored by an accredited American college or university is governed by the American school’s accreditation.
- Credit will also be considered for transfer when the University of Vermont has been affiliated with an independent academic program through a formal inter-institutional agreement.
Factor 2: The determination of the comparability of course work in content, nature, and intensity to courses offered at the University of Vermont.
- Equity will be maintained between transfer credit and resident credit.
- When reviewing a course for content, a 2/3 yardstick is used. Therefore, in most cases, if a course contains 2/3 of the material of a similar course at the University of Vermont, the courses will be judged to be comparable. Courses which must contain very specific topics to prepare students for a particular function or for further study may be reviewed by the faculty of their discipline for comparability determination outside of the 2/3 guideline. Students may be asked to submit additional course materials, beyond a course syllabus, in order to make a comparability determination.
Credit is transferred on a course by course basis. Courses which are less rigorous than the minimum offering in the corresponding discipline at the University of Vermont will not be eligible to transfer.
It is possible for a combination of courses from another single institution to present the same material as in a single course at the University of Vermont. Upon appeal of an original course by course denial of credit, a review of the presenting institution’s course syllabi and sequencing will be made by the Chairperson of the appropriate discipline in conjunction with Transfer Affairs. Credit may be transferred in an amount equal to the corresponding University of Vermont course(s) when the review yields a sufficient degree of comparability in content, nature, and intensity between the combination of the presenting institution’s courses and the corresponding courses at the University of Vermont.
A formal appeal of a credit transfer decision should be brought to the Office of Transfer Affairs. The Director of Transfer Affairs in consultation with the faculty of the appropriate discipline will judge the comparability of the courses for transfer credit in all appeal reviews. A written response will be delivered to the student in a timely manner once the Director of Transfer Affairs and the appropriate faculty have reviewed the course materials, past practices, and the student’s specific circumstances.
A student may ask for further consideration of a denied appeal by presenting all pertinent information, in writing, to the Registrar who will determine acceptability of course work for transfer. This written appeal should contain a complete accounting of all reviews and decisions up to this point. An appeal of the Registrar’s decision is to the Provost who should be provided with written documentation of the process thus far. The Provost will review the materials and render the final decision.
Factor 3: The determination of the level of accomplishment attained in each course.
- The level of achievement for any course must be equal to or above a grade of C on an ‘A’ to ‘F’ scale, 2.0 or better on a 1 to 4 scale or 75 or better on a 1 to 100 scale for the course to be eligible to transfer. Grades of C- or lower are not accepted for transfer credit.
- Courses from institutions which do not utilize one of these grading scales are reviewed individually relying on subjective evaluations of the instructing faculty member. Whenever possible, the institution is asked to state that the quality of the course work completed was at least equal to a C or better.
- Grades of ‘P’ (Pass) or ‘S’ (Satisfactory) will be accepted only with official documentation verifying that they represent successful completion of a specific course at or above C or better.
- It is the responsibility of the Office of Transfer Affairs to determine that the level of achievement of all course work presented for transfer consideration is equal to or above a grade of C or better.
Credit Conversion
- The University of Vermont is on the early Autumn semester system. All academic course work accepted for transfer will be converted into semester hours of credit by the Office of Transfer Affairs.
- Quarter hours will be converted to semester hours using a 2/3 (.67) conversion factor unless otherwise prescribed by the presenting institution.
- In all cases, the transcribing institution’s recommendation for semester credit conversion will be given serious consideration.
Examination Credit
The following American and foreign standardized examinations which test postsecondary school knowledge are recognized for transfer credit consideration by the University of Vermont. The current list of recognized sources can be found online here.
- Advanced Level General Certificate of Education
- Examinations of the British Examination Councils
- The Advanced Placement Examination of the College Board (AP)
- The College Level Examination Program of the College Board (CLEP)
- The Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)
- The German Abitur
- The International Baccalaureate higher level examinations (IB)
- The Scottish Certificate of Sixth Year Studies
Additions to this list shall be made by the Registrar in consultation with the Curricular Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate.
The standards of performance required for transfer credit consideration are as follows:
General Certificate of Education Examinations of the British Examination Councils:
A Levels Passes of A through E will be considered for up to one year of course credit in a corresponding discipline.
- Advanced Placement Examinations of the College Board (AP)
- Credit is considered for all exams administered. Scores of 5 earn credit in all areas. Scores of 3 and 4 earn credit as determined by annual faculty review.
- Credit is granted for specific University of Vermont courses as determined by the faculty of the discipline governing the subject content of the Advanced Placement Examination.
- College Level Examination Program of the College Board (CLEP)
- Only CLEP scores comparable to a B or higher in the national norm sample will be accepted for credit.
- Students may not have been exposed in a previous college level course to more than 10% of the material covered by a particular CLEP exam. More than 10% duplication renders the student ineligible.
- CLEP examinations are comparable to freshman/sophomore level credits numbered 1 to 99 at the University of Vermont. Juniors and Seniors who are eligible to take courses at the lower level may utilize the CLEP option.
- The Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Educational Support (DANTES)
- A specific DANTES exam must carry a standard code equal to or above the 70th percentile.
- DANTES Subject Standardized Tests which are comparable in the nature and scope of material examined to courses offered at the University of Vermont will be considered for transfer credit.
The German Abitur
Credit will be considered for the 4 subjects of the Abiturprufungen (final examination) portion of the Abitur. Each exam presented for credit consideration must carry a grade between 1 and 3-, or their equivalent.
The International Baccalaureate (IB)
Credit will be considered for the individual exams in the Higher Level subjects only for grades of 5, 6 or 7, with a maximum of 30 credits.
Scottish Certificate of Sixth Year
Students earning passes of A, B or C on the Scottish Certificate of Sixth Year Studies will be considered for one year introductory credit in the appropriate discipline.
A re-evaluation of the standards of performance considered for credit from the preceding examinations will be performed periodically by the Office of Transfer Affairs in conjunction with the faculty of appropriate disciplines.
Internal College or University challenge examinations
Credits earned through the internal credit-by-examination program of an accredited College or University are eligible to transfer providing:
- The course which was challenged would be eligible to transfer under normal classroom circumstances.
- Evidence that the exam was passed at a level of competence equal to or greater than that of students who achieve a grade of C in the course being challenged.
Obtaining an adequate grade on a UVM institutional Credit by Examination test
If you are a degree student at UVM, you may attempt, for a fee and with the approval of your advisor and college, to receive credit for a specific course by taking a special examination. To read more about the specific conditions under which you may request credit by examination, visit the Online Catalog or download the Credit by Examination form.
College Course Work During High School
The University of Vermont will accept courses taken prior to high school graduation for transfer credit when all of the following stipulations are satisfied.
- The course(s) must be approved and monitored by an accredited college or university and be eligible for credit towards a degree program at that sponsoring college or university.
- The course must carry a grade of C or better and be similar in content, nature and intensity to courses offered at the University of Vermont.
- The course must be presented on an official transcript issued by the sponsoring college or university.
Credit may also be obtained by:
- Passing a CLEP (College Level Examination Program) exam;
- Obtaining a sufficiently high grade on an AP (Advanced Placement) exam
For requirements of these and other international examinations leading to transfer credit, see section “Examination Credit” above.
Physical Education Credit
UVM student-athletes will receive credit (Physical Education) for participation in varsity or club sports when the activity is transcribed with credit.
Non-Standard Post Secondary School Education
U.S. Armed Service Instruction Instruction received through the Armed Services is considered for credit in transfer based on the course descriptions provided by the various branches of the Service and the American Council on Education.
Instruction which is comparable in content, nature and intensity to undergraduate courses at the University of Vermont may be granted credit if it carries the American Council on Education’s credit recommendation. Credit award for any single course will not exceed the credit value of the comparable course at the University of Vermont.
- Credit transfer requires presentation of form DD Form 295 (Application for the Evaluation of Learning Experiences During Military Service) or DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty), the AARTS (Army/ACE Registry Transcript System) transcripts, or SMART (Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript) transcripts. Military course numbers must appear on the service record.
- Course work taken at an accredited college or university, while in any of the branches of the Armed Services, will be considered under the accreditation of the college or university.
Online courses offered by colleges and universities which are accredited by the appropriate regional institutional accrediting body will be considered for transfer providing they carry a letter grade of C or better and are comparable in the nature and scope of material examined to course offerings at the University of Vermont.
Employer-Sponsored Instruction Various companies, corporations and organizations which offer internal courses for their employees have had their curriculum reviewed by the American Council on Education for the purpose of recommending credits to degree granting colleges and universities. The University of Vermont will consider this type of course for credit under the following conditions:
- The course must be similar in content, nature and intensity to courses offered by the discipline at the University of Vermont.
- The course must carry a grade comparable to at least a C or better.
- The course must carry a credit recommendation from the American Council on Education.
- The amount of transfer credit will not exceed the credit value for a comparable University of Vermont course offering.
Learning experiences occurring outside the purview of an accredited academic institution and outside the evaluation scope of the American Council on Education are not eligible for credit consideration.
Work experience, sponsored under a cooperative education program, is not eligible for transfer credit.
Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) are not accepted in transfer for credit
Articulation Agreements
Vermont Law School/University of Vermont (VLS/UVM 3+2 program)
Transfer credit from the Vermont Law School will be considered for transfer only when courses are taken as part of the VLS/UVM 3+2 articulation agreement. Courses from the Vermont Law School will transfer as GNRL XXX when applicable if passed with a grade of C or higher. Any law course taken outside of this formal institutional articulation agreement is not eligible for transfer credit at the University of Vermont.
Is there education available?
Training will be provided on an as-needed basis as determined by the Approval Authority or the Responsible Official.