Step 1: Review Currently Available Resources
There are many resources available on the website that you should review before submitting a request. These resources may provide the information you need and help you identify sources you might use in the future.
Note 1: If you are a student looking for institutional data, please review the presentation Crash Course on Research Design (PDF, 660 kb).
Step 2: Complete a Data Request form
This form can be completed and submitted online using the link below. An OIRA analyst will be in contact with you within 1 to 2 days to discuss the request.
Due to increased demand, OIRA will need at least three weeks to complete your request. If your request is due sooner than three weeks and needs to be expedited, call the office at (802) 656-0693.

Catamount Data is a self-service site filled with frequently requested data points, including student enrollment and completion and faculty and staff head counts.