Every year, more than 10,000 students enroll at the University of Vermont. These students are undergraduates, graduates, medical students, and students in continuing and distance education. They come from states all across the United States and areas around the world. Their diversity of background, personality, and ambitions make UVM the vibrant place that it is.
The charts below provide detailed breakdowns of these students by degree level, college/school, sex, Vermont residency, race/ethnicity and more.
Document Name | File Size |
Trends in Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Students Taught by Student Level FY0708 - FY1617 (PDF) | [12 kb] |
Pell Grant Summary (PDF) | [93 kb] |
Pell Grant Success Rate (PDF) | [100 kb] |
University of Vermont 2022-23 Academic Programs (PDF) | [136 kb] |