Jasset is also working with the Parking Permit Incentive Program through the Center for Research on Vermont. She contacts UVM employees about a recent incentive offered by the university—to surrender their parking passes in exchange for the monthly parking fee normally deducted from worker paychecks, and a gift card to Burlington’s City Market. The goal is incentivizing employees to use alternative sources of transportation to commute to work, including the local bus system.

The program attracted the attention of Vermont legislators on the House Transportation Committee. Jasset, Watts, Hansen and Josh Katz ’20 spent a morning in Montpelier describing the incentive program and suggested ways it could be adopted by for-profit businesses. The committee ended the testimony by asking the presenters to draft transportation demand management legislation.

"Transportation is by far the largest source of emissions in Vermont, so there's really so much work to be done,” Jasset says. “But I’ve learned that change in incremental. If we can just change the way people think about commuting, we can make a huge impact.”