Program Director
Professor — Inorganic, Organometallic, and Catalysis • Material Science Program Director (802) 656-0278Synthetic and mechanistic inorganic/organometallic chemistry, catalysis, energy, professional development
Faculty Directory
Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Water Quality Engineering, Membrane Separation Processes, Resource Recovery from Solid- and Liquid-Waste, Environmental Photochemistry (802) 656-8443Professor, Department of Physics
Theoretical condensed matter physics (802) 656-0063Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering • Graduate Program Director
Biomaterials, Nanotechnology, Drug Delivery, Molecular Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (802) 656-3382Associate Professor • Department of Mechanical Engineering
Fluid mechanics, Turbulence, Incompressible and compressible flows, non-Newtonian flows, Numerical simulation (802) 656-9830Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering • Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Laser diagnostics of compressible flows, reacting flows, and plasmas. Aerothermodynamics of planetary entry. (802) 656-9863Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Materials customization, tissue engineering, polymer chemistry, food biotechnology
floreani@uvm.eduAdjunct Professor, Department of Physics
Experimental studies of condensed matter physics. (802) 656-5177Professor, Department of Physics • Department Chair
Experimental studies of condensed matter Physics & Materials Science. (802) 656-0048Professor, Department of Physics
Theoretical studies of condensed matter physics. (802) 656-4548Professor — Inorganic and Materials Chemistry
Synthesis and studies on porous inorganic nanomaterials, heterogeneous catalysis, nanomedicine, and preparation of nano-bioconjugates. (802) 656-0270Executive Committee Member
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Atomistic Simulations, Dynamics, Phononic Crystals, Topological States of Matter, Polymer Science, Nanoscale Heat Transfer
Jihong.Ma@uvm.eduAssistant Professor - Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biophysical Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biophysics, Raman Spectroscopy, Stimulated Raman Imaging, Advanced Biological Microscopy Technique Development, Neurodegenerative diseases, Protein Folding, Characterization of Polymer/Nanoparticle Drug and Gene Delivery. (802) 656-2329Gund Affiliate, Associate Professor of Chemistry • Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Rochester
Vibrational spectroscopy, computational modelling, advanced materials, toxic chemical removal, microplastic degradation.
michael.ruggiero@rochester.eduProfessor, Department of Mechanical Engineering • ASME Fellow
Science and Engineering of Nanostructured Materials, Small-scale Mechanics, Atomistic Simulation and Multiscale Modeling (802) 656-3837Adjunct Associate Professor • Department of Chemistry
Organic synthesis, Supramolecular chemistry, Polymer chemistry, Theoretical/computational chemistry (802) 656-0252Professor
Associate Professor, Department of Physics
Hybrid and organic photovoltaic device physics. (802) 656-0064Faculty Member • In Memoriam
Professor • Department of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering
Mixed Signal Circuit Design and Test, Adaptive Multifunctional Integrated Circuit Design, Reconfigurable Computing (802) 656-8996